
wébróót.cóm/sáfé -create a webroot account

If you have recently purchased webroot, you might be curious about your newly purchased program's activation and installation. So, without any delay, let's discuss activate step at wébróót.cóm/sáfé and enter 20 digit activation code on specific area.

Open your browser and go to wébróót.cóm/sáfé website. Create an Account and Setup with your same email and Password that you used for installing the free version and then create a security code.

Where to Find Webroot Keycode?

Activate 20 digit webroot activation code at this site- wébróót.cóm/sáfé. A keycode is a unique set of 20 alphanumerical characters.

Easy Steps to Install webroot in Android Phone using wébróót.cóm/sáfé:

  1. Firstly, Open the website and type wébróót.cóm/sáfé.

  2. Select the Webroot antivirus according to their preference like whether they want to buy.

  3. After the user select the product, then make the payment of their product.

  4. Then they have to download the file.

  5. Then download process complete.

  6. After downloading, they have to open the .exe file.

  7. Then enter the 20 digit webroot Activation code.

  8. Activation key will be there in the registered email ID.

  9. Then enter the activation code.

  10. Then the user have to click on the Agree and Install button.

  11. Now, press Yes which displays on the computer screen.

  12. Then webroot will start scanning the device of the user.

  13. User have to wait till the scanning process complete.