Jia Shi

Email: jiashi@mit.edu

I am currently a C.L.E. Moore Instructor at MIT with mentor Gigliola Staffilani.  I am interested in fluid mechanics and partial differential equations.  

Before coming to MIT, I did my PhD at Princeton University  under the supervision of Charles Fefferman and Javier Gómez-Serrano. 

Here is my CV.


 (with G. Cao-Labora, J. Gómez-Serrano, and G. Staffilani). arXiv. 2410.04532

 (with G. Cao-Labora, J. Gómez-Serrano and G. Staffilani). Submitted  arXiv.2310.05325

       (with J. Gómez-Serrano and J. Park)   Memoirs of the AMS, to appear. 112.

      (with J. Gómez-Serrano, J. Park,  and Y. Yao) Communications in Mathematical Physics, 386, 1845–1879 (2021).

     (with J. Gómez-Serrano, J. Park,  and Y. Yao) Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A. 380, no. 2226, 20210045 (2022)

(with J. Gómez-Serrano, J. Park,  and Y. Yao) Duke Mathematical Journal, 170, no. 13, 2957-3038 (2021).

      (with Z. Lei) arXiv:1608.07010


AWM Dissertation Prize 2023


AMS-Simons Travel Grant