Introducing a thorough and serious investigation, the text provides a deep reader not only with ability to know a true meaning of love between man and woman, but also opens the mind to a better understanding of human nature along with his or her partner one.

If we speak about life and destiny of Vatsyayana Mallanaga we may say that there is almost nothing about this person in the history. The only thing we know is that they suppose that by his origin he was from the South-West India and lived in the city of Khajuraho (that is where we can find amazing temples decorated with erotic sculptures) in the III-V century of Common Era in the times of ruling of Gupts dynasty (it is indicated by the events of those times described in the book). It is right with the ruling of the dynasty that is associated the dawn of the Indian literature and architecture. So, creation of the Kama Sutra is attributed right to this period.

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Vatsyayana Mallanaga did not intend to write any pornographic book about sex. Vise versa, he planned and accomplished a serious work, a study about how to act to reach sensual happiness, i.e. Kama. The book describes everything that is necessary to know for reaching such happiness. Here, physical love is compared with scientific perception, perception of the world and themselves. Sexual relationships are a part of any human life, that is a part of experience and wisdom, and when you develop in this direction, it is important and it is absolutely non shameful. Unfortunately, such an approach to this creation is not developed among our contemporaries. Not many people can penetrate to the depth of meanings of this ancient study.

The main merit of discovering the Kamasutra belongs to Sir Richard Francis Burton who was a British traveler, translator, writer, ethnographer, poet and linguist. By his nature, he was a real traveler, hunter for adventures and adventurer. That is why, after his failed studying at the Oxford University he decided to register in the troops of East-Indian campaign in 1842 to go to India for his service. During his service in India Richard spent most of time on learning local language and culture. After a few years he learnt Hindi and a few of its dialects that allowed him to communicate more with local inhabitants and to get familiar with the Indian culture.

He understood that this book could not be any more possession of only India; the whole world needed to know about it. During another 10 years, Richard Burton was carrying the sketches of the very first Kamasutra, which Europe was just about to learn. Only in 1871 the speed of his travelling became lower that allowed him to collect his notices which he had collected during dozens of years, to take a pen to expose on a sheet of paper everything that he had learnt about the book during many years. And this became a start point of acquaintance of Europe and then of the whole world with the Kamasutra.

After that, since 1970 there started an active porn industry, which also caught up and started to develop actively brand of the Kamasutra in the whole world, making different films and educational manuals on sex positions. As a result, among many people, name of the book is associated exclusively with sex positions. Through the years, popularity of the book was growing as well as demand for educative literature about sex. Thus the Kama Sutra is known nowadays.

What does sex mean. The Kamasutra interprets sex as a special feature in a result of which the male and female principles are to become one not only on the skin-to-skin, but also on a spiritual level. Sex represents not only a physical process, how many people may think; this is a process that engages body, feelings, emotions, sense of those who are in love with each other. It is a sensual game, in the terms of which the woman turns out to be a goddess, a favourite and desired one, and the man, in his turn, gets satisfaction having reached an orgasm not just by himself, but by his beloved woman.

What should a sex be consisted of. The Kamasutra is a tool with the help of which sex may turn out to have a sacramental sense, including our feelings and perception aimed at getting the most enjoyment. Thus, every feature, e.g. scents, surrounding, lightening etc, are to be full of intimacy, hinting at forthcoming act of love. A couple should get rid of everything out of their room, leaving behind all the worries. Here, there is enough room only for their mind, soul and body: only he and she do matter now. The prelude, or a sexual game, has to be in the highlight of such a ritual. Remaining an integral part of the game, while prelude, one is able to express all the emotions and love to which the author of the book pays great attention. The sex itself, actually, is the high point of this game. Even in some cases, there is no need for having sex.

What are the earliest systematic ties to this known curator of tantric positions and line systemic to use in witchcraft???

Some people use this in conjunction with witchcraft and perhaps others do not, I know of one wherewithal if California, who used this for sex witchcraft Associates with wiccan tradition.

Thanks for sharing a clear picture of the book. In fact being an eclectic therapist and researcher, I am coming to a conclusion that every and any issue that mankind is facing has to do with his/ her intimate relationship & intimacy behavior.

A public woman, endowed with a good disposition, beauty and other winning qualities, and also versed in the above arts, obtains the name of a Ganika, or public woman of high quality, and receives a seat of honour in an assemblage of men. She is, moreover, always respected by the king, and praised by learned men, and her favour being sought for by all, she becomes an object of universal regard.

While it might be known to many people as a source of sexual positions, it's also a philosophical work that covers a lot more topics, including advice on love, relationships, family life, nature and the art of living well. The Kama Sutra is divided into 7 books, each dealing with a different aspect of life, love and sexuality.

There is guidance about finding a life partner, ways of courting a woman for marriage along with some concepts that modern couples might find very out of date, including duties expected of wives (cooking, cleaning, etc) and the use of courtesans to build sexual confidence before marriage.

The woman lays on her back with her legs in the air and knees slightly bent (she may need a cushion under her bottom to make it more comfortable). The man then kneels between her legs and holds onto her ankles while he enters her.

The man sits on a chair or stool and the woman sits on his lap. With her back to him she can control the penetration by rocking back and forth on her heels. His hands are then free to play with her clitoris and breasts.

The woman lies back with her legs open, while the man lies between her legs and slowly penetrates her. For greater intimacy, she can wrap her legs around him and control the pressure of his grinding by gently pressing on his buttocks with her feet.

The woman lays on the edge of the bed with her legs hanging off. The man then positions himself between her legs and lifts her hips and thighs to allow penetration, while she supports herself on her elbows.

While the man lays on his side, the woman curls up into a ball and with her head at his feet, she wraps her legs around his. She can then wrap her arms around the top of his legs while he penetrates her.

While similar to the missionary, the classic position involves the woman laying on her back with a cushion under her bottom. This slight tilt of the pelvis allows for deeper penetration as the man places himself between her legs and enters her.

The woman lies on her back and pulls her knees up to her chest. The man kneels down and enters her. She can then rest her feet on his shoulders, while he supports himself with his hands either side of her shoulders.

The man kneels down and leans back, supporting himself with his hands behind him, while the woman lies flat on her back. She then tilts her hips towards him to aid penetration, while positioning her legs either side of his hips.

The man lies on his back with his legs apart while the woman sits down between his thighs. The woman must then curl her body up into a ball while the man supports her. Her hands are free to touch herself or touch his perineum.

The man sits on the edge of the bed with his feet on the floor while the woman crouches (like a frog) on his lap. She can then move up and down to control the penetration, while pressing on his thighs for support.

The woman lies on her back with one cushion under her head and another under her bottom. She then pulls her knees up to her chest and lifts her legs in the air. The man kneels down with his legs either side of her and enters her hips.

The man sits with one leg stretched out and the other leg bent at the knee to help him balance. The woman sits on his lap. While she can control most of the movement, he also has some control with his hands on her hips. He is also in the ideal position to kiss and suck her nipples while having sex.

The man sits with his weight on one arm (the other is free to fondle) and his legs stretched out. The woman sits on top of him and leans forward. She can then support herself with her arms, while being in full control of the movement and penetration.

The woman lies on her front with her weight on her elbows. She stretches one leg out and bends the other to the side. The man lays on top and can penetrate from behind while leaning on his hands for support.

The woman lies on her back with one leg stretched out and the other bent up. The man slides in between her legs and pushes one of his legs underneath her to raise her hips. To help his balance the man leans back on his hands.

The man sits with his legs crossed and leans back supporting himself with his arms. The woman sits astride him with her knees bent either side of his waist. The woman can then rock back and forth in a rocking horse motion. be457b7860

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