What is web3 ?

Develop a Web3GamingToken Platform utilizing Web3 technology. This can be used for trading in-game assets and currencies between players, as well as providing players with the ability to earn rewards for their contributions to the network. This platform can also be used to facilitate crowdfunding campaigns, allowing game developers to raise capital from gamers.

What is Gaming Platform ?

Create a gaming platform that allows users to purchase items using a cryptocurrency token. The gaming token could be used to buy virtual goods, participate in tournaments, or even be exchanged for real-world rewards. The use of blockchain technology would ensure the security and safety of transactions.

Token Name : Web3 Gaming Token

Network : BSC

Contract : 0x3d664BbaB0B0AC3C4FeB261dd8Ff85dC64a012F5

Decimals : 18

Total Supply : 10B

Future Listings : 50%

Circulating supply : 25%

Marketing and Airdrop : 15%

Development and Stability : 5%

Developer : 5%

