WhatsApp Web

Whatsapp Web is a browser-based version of WhatsApp that helps users to use their Whatsapp account on the web browser on their computer or laptop without downloading any additional software. With the help of Whatsapp web, users can send and receive text messages, and files such as documents, images, and videos similarly like you can send them using the app. You can also send audio messages and do voice and video calls as well.

To use the Whatsapp web, you need to have an active Whatsapp account on your smartphone and a web browser such as Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, or Microsoft Edge, etc. installed on your computer and also make sure to have a working internet connection on both of the devices.

How to login Whatsapp Web?

To log in to your web WhatsApp account, you need to follow these steps:

NOTE: If you are using Whatsapp web on a public computer, make sure to log out from there once you've finished your work because if you forgot to log out someone might misuse your account.

How to log out from Whatsapp web?

To log out of your web WhatsApp account, follow the steps below:

Similarly, you can use your smartphone as well to log out of the WhatsApp web.

What is WhatsApp Web Plus?

Whatsapp web plus or wa web plus is an extension for Google Chrome, that claims to enhance the user's experience. Once it is installed in Chrome, it'll allow adding multiple tools and new options for Whatsapp Web such as increased privacy, reliability, and much more for personal or for business usage. However, it is not officially released by Meta, so make sure to keep that in mind before using such extensions.

How to Enable Dark Mode on Whatsapp Web?

To enable dark mode on whasapp web, follow the steps below:

Whatsapp Web Features:

Below is the list of 10 amazing features of the web WhatsApp:

Frequently Asked Questions - FAQs:

What is WhatsApp web?

Whatsapp web is like a browser-based version of Whatsapp. We can use Whatsapp web to send and receive text messages, audio chats, media, and much more.

How to open WhatsApp web in mobile browser?

Follow the steps to open web whatsapp on a mobile browser:

How to call on whatsapp web?

Unfortunately, you cannot make voice or video calls from Whatsapp web. However, you can send the audio messages, by clicking on the mike option in the individual chat. To do so, you need to enable voice sending permission from the web browser. However, you can download the Whatsapp Desktop app to do voice and video calls.

How to video call on Whatsapp web?

You have to download the desktop version of Whatsapp to make a video call. Whatsapp web doesn't allow us to make either a voice or a video call.

Why is whatsapp web not working?

There might be a few issues like:

How to add contact in WhatsApp web?

To do so, you need to download the desktop version of whatsapp because whatsapp web no longer allows users to add a new contact from the web browsers.

How to download videos from whatsapp web?

To download videos from different chats using web whatsapp, follow these steps:

How to search messages on whatsapp web?

To search for a specific message on web whatsapp, follow the steps:

How to use whatsapp web?

To use web whatsapp, you need to visit "web.whatsapp.com" and log in to your account using the QRCode code, scan it using your mobile phone from whatsapp > linked devices > link a device.