Web Design

Tips to Company Mississauga Web Design.

Some very simple and basic Mississauga Web Design techniques that are often times over-looked can mean the difference between success and failure in Internet Marketing. If you are developing a new Internet Property, then following this basic blue-print will take you a long way toward achieving high rankings with the major search engines. If you already have a web site, then a quick inspection to ensure these basic SEO principles are in place is certainly recommended.

Mississauga Web Design a Site with Great Content or Great Products or Services.

That mundane or mediocre content may be able to support a web site but not a good one. Ranking is based on 'Authority' and content that is not unique, compelling, or insightful will never provide top ranking outside of your own mind. The rules of the Internet Marketing game have always been predicated on a simple principle: 'Content is King.' Mississauga Web Design and great products or services make a great website. Content feeds the 'Search Engine Ranking Triad' and it feeds your customers by given both a reason to come back.

On more than one occasion I have heard clients say, 'These are my keywords.' Unfortunately, in the majority of the cases they have done absolutely no keyword research to determine if the keywords they are so very fond of actually deliver qualified and motivated customers to their Internet Property. Do yourself a favor and research your keywords and keyword phrases to determine the traffic level as well as the competitive nature of the keyword within your industry before deciding to implement a 'Keyword Portfolio.' You can rank #1 on Google, Yahoo, and Bing for a number of keywords or keyword phrases, but if they don't drive traffic what have you accomplished.

Bear in mind that the major search engine spiders place more weight on the first one-third and last one-third of any given pages' content. For the purpose of SEO, this means that the most significant text on the page is the first and last paragraphs. While it is critical to write compelling content with multiple 'calls to action' for your visitors, it is equally valuable to provide appropriate keyword weight and density within your 'compelling content.' This is one of the most challenging and difficult practices to producing 'Great Content.' It is also one of the major factors making the optimization of a web sites' 'Home' page so challenging.

The source code driving your web site contains Meta Tags. These Meta Tags are presented to the search Engine spiders as Title tags, Description tags, ALT tags, and Keyword tags, etc. It is paramount that your Keyword Portfolio be accurately and precisely represented in your Meta tag structure. It's not enough to simply place keywords in your content. You must provide structured keyword-based Meta Tags that are supported with a specific keyword density within your content that measures between 3% and 5%