The way to link your device with Weathercloud depends on its manufacturer and model. Some devices require the use of a desktop software or mobile app, either from the manufacturer itself or from third parties, while other devices can send data to Weathercloud autonomously. Click on the name of your software on our Compatible devices page for the corresponding linking instructions.

If you are certain that you followed all the steps indicated in our instructions correctly and your software is not sending data to Weathercloud after more than 10 minutes, check your Internet connection and make sure your antivirus or firewall is not preventing the verification of the Weathercloud ID and KEY. If this last is the case, add your software to the list of exceptions of your antivirus or firewall. Also be aware not to be pasting any blanks before or after the Weathercloud ID and Key.

Weathercloud Download Data

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If your device stops uploading data for a period of time, then that data will be lost and you will see blanks on your database, reports and plots. You just need to open your software again to resume uploading data to Weathercloud.

Normally, if one or more weather variables are not being displayed on Weathercloud it is because the software you use is not sending us data of those variables. We suggest you report this issue to the developer of your software so they can implement the missing variables. Please be aware that your software may be sending these variables correctly to other sites but not to Weathercloud.

Given your recent updates to make the metoffice uploaded work correct, should it be possible to calculate the 10 minute average values now?

Also is there any way to upload the live values weathercloud requires.ThanksRichard

as for wunderground slippery slope for a year or so now ,whilst there trying rectify the current issues you cant help thinking there sacrificing a few features that many have become accustom to , to reduce there server overheads .hopefully wunderground learnt its not about quantity its about quality ! once the no more free api key issued kicks in it will stop many app developers using there free api services in paid app solutions . that would rile me if something free I offered was being used for profit ! anyway your certainly not bound to wunderground there are many options for you either free or paid its all down what one meets your requirements .you will find opinions differ but I simply came to a conclusion they all do exactly what you need

them to do they just differ in the way the data displayed. none are better than the other just all down to your requirements.

Is there a way to get past the size limit for google sheets? I tried this but was disappointed that the data was getting overwritten, or creating a new sheet each day, and thus the data was difficult to work with.

Unfortunately WU is not offering api anymore and i do not have one.

So i am thinking of how i can have most current data from my station into HA (running a hassbian image) which will work in future.


No idea if WC also provides XML data. So far did not find anything and an email was never replied.

So gar i use WU as a workaround. Adding a station is free and the XML from above is also free until now wihtout need tohave an APIkey to buy.

Woul like to see the same from WC, too. If anyone has such a link or idea please reply.

Neber used weewx or anything of this as my weather station is a more simple one only having WLAN and sending directly to the weather channels. No USB so.

We provide a broad variety of products such as One Call API 3.0, Solar Irradiance & Energy Prediction service, Road Risk API, Air Pollution API and solutions for advanced weather parameters like solar irradiance data, UVI, dew point, government weather alerts, etc. Please review our product list page and find more info in the product documentation and pricing pages.

We provide number of bulk files with current weather and forecasts. The service allows you to regularly download current weather and forecast data in JSON format. There is no need to call an API to do this.

OpenWeather is a team of IT experts and data scientists that has been practising deep weather data science. For each point on the globe, OpenWeather provides historical, current and forecasted weather data via light-speed APIs. Headquarters in London, UK.

Next step ? Feed WU data into HA. Except you cant get an API key anymore. It sends you off to the weather channels corporate website. Yeah, thats not going to happen.

It also seems that based on WU forums, WU just isnt working at the moment. (I cant get my station to push data up)

If you can get the data via script then you can just publish the data using mqtt. there is a command line utility called mosquitto_pub (mosquito-clients package i think) that lets you publish to an mqtt server that Home Assistant can read from. The only difficult part is writing the json formatting and configuring an mqtt sensor in hass.

I figured i should probably update this.

So i ended up using weewx, and spoofing the DNS for the WU endpoint, and got the data into HA that way. Weewx then forwards the data onto WU, so mobile apps etc still work.

Our technology Time Machine, has allowed us to enhance data in the Historical Weather Collection: historical weather data is now available for any coordinates and the depth of historical data has been extended to 40 years.

Access current weather data for any location on Earth including over 200,000 cities! The data is frequently updated based on the global and local weather models, satellites, radars and a vast network of weather stations.

This product provides users with current, forecast and historical solar irradiation data for any coordinates on the globe. It includes DNI, DHI and GHI indices for the Clear Sky and Cloudy Sky models.

This product collects weather warnings from the major weather warning systems and presents them in a uniform and convenient data format. Push notification mechanism will allow to get timely notifications about severe weather.

Dashboard is a visual service where you can easily work with satellite imagery and weather data for your fields. It is the visual demonstration of the data we provide through our Agro API:  New satellite imagery every 2-4 days Historical satellite data archive Vegetation indices and Historical NDVI chart Current, Forecast and Historical weather data  Learn more

Many of the National Weather Service data sets are available in formats that are able to be imported directly into Geographic Information Systems (GIS) or your own custom map viewers or web pages. Data formats include downloadable shapefiles and KML formats, web services, and our basemaps in shapefile format.

The Weather Company, an IBM Business, is the world's leading weather provider, helping people and businesses make more informed decisions and take action in the face of weather. The powerful combination of IBM's advanced AI and cloud capabilities with The Weather Company's high-volume weather data, insights, advertising and media solutions across the open web help people, businesses and brands around the world prepare for and harness the power of weather in a scalable, privacy-forward way. The world's most accurate (link resides outside forecaster overall, the company reaches hundreds of enterprise clients and more than 400 million monthly active users via its digital properties from The Weather Channel and Weather Underground.  (link resides outside

As part of the agreement, Boston-based meteorological intelligence company will provide the Aerospace Management Systems Division, headquartered here, with three-dimensional global weather and ocean data. This data can be used to enhance numerical weather modeling, machine learning programs, and near-term forecast capabilities.

The division is also working with personnel from the Commercial Weather Data Pilot program to explore if other commercial data can supplement or even replace existing government sources. It is also performing space weather impact analyses, as well as researching the affect the data has on existing terrestrial numerical weather modeling capabilities.

API & Third Party Apps

Developers, retrieve your own real-time and historical personal weather station JSON formatted data, or build 3rd party apps and get data from multiple devices.

If you have a Hubitat hub, there is an app that can be loaded onto Hubitat which integrates with the data that is sent from Ambient Weather. I use it extensively. And if you are a Webcore user, you can create even more virtual devices in Hubitat to retrieve even more data from Ambient Weather.

I just posted a picture of one of my dasboards on the Community site. You can see that I have lots of Ambient Weather data on the dashboard.

As you may be aware Sharptools and Hubitat directly can be integrated together.

Hope this helps.

There is a weewx influx plugin that allows storing the data from the weather station in influx. I'm able to use Grafana to generate charts of my weather data locally. I'm really enjoying this set of tools.

Hi guys,

I decided to make wireless weathercloud station and now im collecting necessary components. I came up with and idea to use arduino nano with connected sensors to it + esp8266 wifi module outside, and inside use leonardo with ethernet + second esp8266, receive the data from sensors and upload data using ethernet to my databse. Is it right idea or it will be better to use only nano with sensors + esp8266 module and connect it to my home wifi, and then send the data using GET request to my database? Is it possible for esp8266 to catch the data that sensors connected to nano produced and send it to database using home wifi? ff782bc1db

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