Raffle Baskets

Each grade level will put together a raffle basket based on the continent (or a country within the continent) they study throughout the year. Look below to find out how to donate items to the basket for your student's grade level.

Can you volunteer to coordinate a grade level basket?

If you're interested, e-mail ksweb707@gmail.com.

The Kindergarten raffle basket is a "4th of July" themed basket representing North America.

Click HERE to donate to the Kindergarten raffle basket.

The First Grade raffle basket is an "Australian Outback BBQ" themed basket representing Australia.

Click HERE to donate to the First Grade raffle basket.

The Second Grade raffle basket is a "South American Coffee" themed basket representing South America.

Click HERE to donate to the Second Grade raffle basket.

The Third Grade raffle basket is an "Italian Picnic" themed basket representing Europe.

Click HERE to donate to the Third Grade raffle basket.

The Fourth Grade raffle basket is a "Zen Garden" themed basket representing Asia.

Click HERE to donate to the Fourth Grade raffle basket.

The Fifth Grade raffle basket is a "Family Safari" themed basket representing Africa.

Click HERE to donate to the Fifth Grade raffle basket.

The Sixth through Eighth Grade raffle basket is a "Globe Trotting" themed basket representing World Travel.

Click HERE to donate to the Sixth through Eighth Grade raffle basket.

Contact Us:

Raffle Baskets - Kristyn Escobedo - ksweb707@gmail.com