Westlake Charter School's

19th Annual

International Festival

Saturday, April 27, 2024 

3-5:30 PM

2680 Mabry Drive, Sacramento, CA 95835

Have you heard the news?!?!

The IFC is busy planning Westlake Charter School's 19th Annual International Festival! Mark your calendars for Saturday, April 27th, from 3-5:30 PM because you won't want to miss all that we have in store for you! 

Cultural Booths - Take a trip around the globe! Sample ethnic cuisine, experience music, performances and artifacts from around the world! 

American Alley - Treat yourself to nostalgic snacks and treats.

Dessert Walk - Take a walk to the music for your chance to win a yummy dessert.

Entertainment - Watch student performances and authentic dances from around the world! Represent your culture with cultural dress and join the Westlake community in celebrating what makes our school so amazing.

Contact Us:

IFC Chair - Becca Montes - wcs.ifc.chair@gmail.com