Workshop on
Contact and Poisson Geometry
Timișoara, October 31 - November 02, 2019
The workshop aims at discussing Contact Geometry, Poisson Geometry and their interaction, including locally conformal symplectic manifolds, Jacobi manifolds, Generalized (Complex) Geometry in even and odd dimension, Lie algebroids, Lie groupoids, applications to Geometric Mechanics, etc. There will be invited talks and a poster session.
Beware the Hotel and Travel Scam! Recently, participants of several conferences have been contacted by alleged agencies that offer to book the travel and/or the accommodation to attend the meeting. This is a possible scam, so safely ignore these offers. No travel agency/company is involved in the organization of this workshop.
Henrique Bursztyn (IMPA)
Eugen-Mihăiţă Cioroianu (University of Craiova)
Marius Crainic (Utrecht University)
Álvaro del Pino Gómez (Utrecht University)
Tobias Diez (TU Delft)
Rui Loja Fernandes (University of Illinois)
François Gay-Balmaz (ENS Paris)
Janusz Grabowski (IMPAN Warsaw)
Stefan Haller (University of Vienna)
Bozidar Jovanovic (Mathematical Institute SANU)
Honglei Lang (China Agricultural University)
Vân Lê Hông (IMCAS Prague)
Ioan Marcut (Radboud University)
Juan Carlos Marrero (University of La Laguna)
Joana Nunes da Costa (University of Coimbra)
Cédric Oms (Polytechnic University of Catalonia)
Cristian Ortiz (University of São Paulo)
Jonas Schnitzer (University of Salerno)
Miron Stanciu (University of Bucharest)
Alfonso Tortorella (KU Leuven)
Aïssa Wade (Penn State University)
Marco Zambon (KU Leuven)
Antonio De Nicola (University of Salerno)
Luca Vitagliano (University of Salerno)
Cornelia Vizman (West University of Timișoara)