The Transnational Social Strike endorses Climate Justice Congress in Milano!

In its meeting in Frankfurt on February 10-12, the TSS Platform in its concluding assembly embraced the project of the World Congress for Climate Justice to constitute “the radical faction of the climate front” out of the forces that compose this transcontinental network (130 activists from all of Europe, including London, Paris, Lisbon, Bologna, Warsaw and German movements like Ende Gelaende and Ums Ganze).

The Transnational Social Strike operates at the intersection of class, climate, conflict (see upcoming new journal) linking feminist collectives and care workers, unionists and ecoradical organization, in western and eastern Europe. We couldn’t be more grateful to the comrades, sisters and brothers we discussed and networked with in Frankfurt – they gave the international push needed to deliver the WCCJ in Milano.

Frankfurt was preceded by a WCCJ presentation in Liège, hotbed of anarchoautonomism in Belgium. At the self-managed Boulangerie Sans Patron, Eric and Slim of the Liège Committee for the world climate juistice congress presented the idea to activists from Walloonie, Brussels and other cities, including XR, CADTM, ZAD Chartreuse, JOC and Liège Antifa. The response was heartening and we hope many collectives from Belgium will sign the call. Discussions revolved around climate justice activism at Luetzerath and Les Bassins, extractivism, antispeciesism, and the MAPA activists that are also coming to Bruxelles for a post-colonial climate camp in September.