Eco-collectives launch process towards congress for climate justice at Milano State University

FFF Milano, XR Milano, Ultima Generazione, Ecologia Politica, Piano Terra, Macao, Scientist Rebellion Italia, Associazione Rurale Italiana (ARI), OffTopic, Libreria Leoncavallo, Institute of Radical Imagination, Comitato Acqua Pubblica, Our Voice, Terraviva gathered yesterday to discuss the early steps of the World Congress for Climate Justice (WCCJ), to be held in the city on October 12-15, 2023. The initiative is endorsed by the Transnational Social Strike Platform (TSS), Bologna for Climate Justice, Torino Climate Social Camp, and Belgian Zadist and Antifa networks in Liège and Brussels, plus a host of intellectuals (including Francesca Coin and Andreas Malm) and activists from Berlin, Rome, London, Stockholm, Osaka, Kampala, New York, and many other cities around the world.

All the collectives present are joining forces to bring to the city activists from climate movements in Europe, Africa, Asia and the Americas, who will send delegates to Milano to deliberate on how to constitute the radical faction of the climate movement and strategize intersectionally to defeat fossil capitalism. Issues discussed ranged from updates on the TSS meeting in Frankfurt to convergence on mass disobedience in Milan to the role of Most Affected People and Areas (MAPA) in the works of the Congress, and how peasant and ecological agriculture needs to take center stage at WCCJ in Milano, to discuss food sovereignty, bioregionalism, anarchoveganism.

Earlier in the afternoon, dozens of Fridays for Future activists had congregate in the occupied Manzoni High School to organize the Climate Strike of March 3. A delegation came to the assembly of Milano Klimattiva at Ecolab (a space run by the students in the medieval cloisters of the university) and ended the assembly by saying: “Ci siamo”. It was then time for some bubbly before exchanging numbers and inviting members of the collectives present to the first meeting of the WCCJ Organizing Committee on February 22.