1st Newsletter for

Women's Coordinators

What's in this Newsletter?

2nd Women's Coordinators Zoom Meeting

In the near future we will hold our second Zoom meeting, during which we will give you updates on developments, hear your points of view and strengthen the communication all round, so that we can all benefit from each other’s knowledge and experience. 

Networking is so important, so please make an effort to participate. (The final date will be published soon).

Click Here to watch the former Zoom meeting.

WBC New Website

We have established a new website, in which we will communicate the WBC and the coordinators' activities, in promoting Women's Bridge.

A specific page, was designated to the details of the coordinators of each NBO. This will afford the players direct contact with you.

Please send us your photo, so that we can add it to your profile.

Social Media

Our Women's Bridge Facebook group has already reached 704 members. Please encourage your NBO female players to join and be updated.

You are welcome to use this platform to publish any relevant or interesting topics and anecdotes related to Women's Bridge. 

If appropriate, we will approve it.

Huge Success for Our First Online Training Session for Women

Our first training session was very successful and was met with great interest. It included more than 200 women players from 20 different countries. What an achievement! 

From the feedback we received it is apparent that the training session was enjoyable, provided added value, and created an appetite for more. This is very encouraging for us. 

That said, it was our first trial run and naturally there were teething problems. In order to improve, we compiled and sent a Survey (via the team's captains), and no doubt we will receive important insights to help us to plan future sessions.

How Can you Help?

If you are familiar with the RealBridge platform, and can provide technical assistance for participants during the practice matches, kindly let us know, as we need your help and support to run the training sessions.

Breaking News!  Additional Practice sessions for Women Teams

We are happy to inform you that RealBridge are willing to arrange additional private practice events (for 5-6 teams from your NBO), in which the teams can play 16 boards (at no charge) just so that they can get more practice with their friends.

The advantage is that the practice can take place at a more convenient time for your players in your time zone.

Should you wish to utilize this option, kindly notify us.

Important things to know about the next Online Training Session  27/2/23 at 19:30 CET

The next session will be led by Marion Michielsen, a Dutch-Swedish professional bridge player.

So that players can gain the most from this training we have made some administrative changes:

Team Registration 

Effective Trainings

In order for the trainings to be effective, we request that you register only players who meet these conditions:

Preparations of players NEW to the RealBridge platform:

Many players didn't make the necessary preparations as requested. This could have solved a lot of problems and time, during the first session.

So, for next time:

The schedule can be found here

Sessions Framework

Adhering to Time

Punctuality is crucial to the success of the training session, so please respect the time schedule.

We plan to start our next session on time. Players must login 20 minutes prior to the starting time. 

Late comers will not be allowed to participate and this may affect their future participation as well. 

"COMMITMENT is the Name of the Game" 

The day before the next session, Women's Coordinators are requested to make sure that the registered teams from their NBO, are actually participating. 

To change a team or players, please notify us and we will change the data manually.  

Women's Champions' Cup (WCC)

At the end of the 2nd week of November, every year, the EBL conducts the European Champions' Cup.

Last year, of the 12 teams participating (72 players), there were only 2 women. This we have to CHANGE! 

So this year we will conduct a designated competition -The  European Women's Champion's Cup (WCC), which will take place at the same time.  

The aim being to allow female players to partake in the international arena in a friendly environment and to broaden the spectrum for women to participate.


8 teams will partake in this designated competition:

7 teams will represent the NBOs who were ranked in the first 7 places, in the recent European Championship held in Madeira as well as another team representing the host country:


NO Entry Fees

The WBC ensured that the entry fees will be waved for women's teams participating in this competition. 

Team Selection

To select a team the NBO must conduct a designated competition for women's teams only.  

For example:

We will update you with further information once as we go along.

Meanwhile, start preparing - it's going to be AMAZING!