4th Newsletter for

Women's Coordinators

What's in this Newsletter? 

The Next Online Training Session: 15th of May 2023, 19:30 CET

Women players - step up your bridge skills and aim as high as the sky!

Our special guest coach will be Dennis Bilde, a professional Danish bridge player. 

So, get ready!

Dennis's personal invitation.

Teams Registration, will be solely through the Women's Coordinators

To register click on the link - Registration Form.

More Training Options - May 7th, 2023 at 17:30 CET

RealBridge offers EBL's women players a FREE short training session (8 deals), focusing on high level decisions.

The players will get instant written commentary after each board.

The training will be on Sunday 7 May, 2023 at 17:30 CET

To sign up click HERE

To participation is by pairs, there is no partnership desk.

Please spread the word.

Strasbourg Here We  Come! 3-17 June, 2023

We would like to make sure that more women players will partake in the upcoming European Transnational Championships in Strasbourg.

The event offers wide and diverse friendly activities - not just tournaments, to facilitate Bridge with fun activities and leisure. 

Kindly spread the word of this wonderful event among the women players in your federation.

If you know women players who take part in the training program and are going to participate, please let us know (It has a bearing on our future activities). 

You can find more information on the official event's website

You are welcome to use this Brochure as well.

Women's Champion's Cup, Nov 2023.

Every year, at the end of the 2nd week of November, the EBL conducts the European Champions' Cup, in which the winner of the NBO's national teams' competition, gets to represent the country.

This way other players can play in a high level competitive national arena, in a fun environment.

The event hosts 12 teams, representing the top 11 teams in the latest European Championship + the hosting country's team.

Since the majority of the participants are men,  the Women's Committee works to broaden the spectrum for women to enable more female players to partake in the international arena in a friendly environment.

We are happy that our plan is taking shape and this year, for the first time ever, the EBL will conduct a designated competition -The European Women's Champion's Cup (WCC), in which 8  Women's teams will partake (Poland, Sweden, Israel, Germany, France, Denmark, Turkiye + the host county, which as yet, is unknown).

The Women's Committee ensured that the entry fees will be waved for women's teams participating in this competition.

If your NBO hasn't yet selected a team, please remind your Executive Committee to do this soon, either by conducting a designated competition for women's teams only, or if not possible, to send the winning team of the recent most prestigious Women's team's event.  

We will update you with further information as we go along.

Meanwhile, start preparing - it's going to be AMAZING

Next NBO Seminar 2-4, February, 2024

The NBOs seminar takes place over 3 days every two years.

 The next one will be on the 2-4 of February 2024. (The hosting country will be known soon).

The participants are officers from the different NBOs and the main topics address current issues that are relevant to all bridge organizations, in addition to fostering good contacts and relations between NBOs.

The EBL covers the cost of hotel and accommodation of 2 participants from each NBO. This year, the Executive Committee has decided that one of these officers should be female, as usually there's a majority of men in these seminars and it is important to get a female perspective on the issues being treated at the seminars as well.

In the next seminar Women's Bridge is going to be one of the two main topics discussed. 

We strongly urge you to send suggestions for topics you want to be discussed in this seminar.

Recent Events

The former online training session -What a treat!

On, 17th April, 2023, we held the 4th training session, this time we enjoyed the invaluable tips of Simon de Wijs, a very pleasant and professional bridge player who was kind enough to share his knowledge and experience with us.

We were delighted to host almost 200 women from 20 different countries, using the RealBridge platform. (Well done team Kenny from Ireland!)

Thanks goes to the National Women's Coordinators, RealBridge managers: Shireen Mohandes and Andy Bowles, and the operators and TDs: Paola Gennaro, Marc van Beijsterveldt, and Linnea Edlund.

You are welcome to use the training material to conduct more training session, for even more women in your federation. (We have added the PBN files as well).

Training material can be found HERE.

2nd Women's Coordinators Zoom Meeting 19th April, 2023

On 19th of April 2023 we held our second Zoom meeting with the EBL's Women's Coordinators.

We were happy to see more coordinator's this time (15) which means that our coordinator's network is expanding and our mutual work is bearing fruit.

For those who couldn't make it, we hope to see you next time.

We updated the coordinators with recent developments and upcoming events and listened to the coordinator's points of view and most importantly, strengthened the communication all round. 

Networking is of major importance - as we all want to benefit from each other’s knowledge and experience.  

Connections were already made between the coordinators during this meeting, and we encourage you all to approach one another, arrange together more online training for women  and get inspired from one another's work and ideas. 

The WBC thanks all the coordinators for volunteering in this important role of women's coordinator.

You are welcome to catch up by viewing the meeting's recording - Click Here 

Spread the Word

Facebook Group 

Being in touch with as many players in your country is an important part of our project. 

Even if some cannot take part on any of the dates, it is important that they know what is going on, and that we are thriving as a community.

Here's something you can do which will only take a few minutes:

Go for it, and together we'll double the group size.


We would  like to thank Sara Wridge, (Sweden), for her beautiful and encouraging article about the Online Training Program for Women. 

You are all welcome to do the same and place an article in your federation's magazine or in any other available  media channel, to encourage more women to join. 

Should you do so, kindly share it with us.

To open Sara's article in Swedish Click Here.

To open Sara's  translated article to English Click Here.

Neurosexism & Gendered Stereotypes in a Mindsport

This paper by BAMSA (Bridge: A MindSport for All) argues that gender stereotypes and neurosexism can actively reproduce inequality within the game to the detriment of women bridge players.

You might consider putting the infographic poster up in your local bridge club. 

See the full research paper and summary HERE