Way of Martial Arts

10 Martial Arts that are the Best for Streetfight (Ranked based on their use)

Martial arts are among the activities that will help you improve your combat capabilities but also enriches your life in many ways like discipline, physical fitness, and self-confidence, which has led to the exponential growth of their use in the current day and age. The primary element of martial arts and their creation was for "self-defense," but they have evolved into a sports activity with the top athletes winning medals and championships for their work.

If you've always been interested in understanding the best martial art to fight on the streets and deciding which one to practice, I've compiled a comprehensive Martial Arts listing of the top self-defense techniques and street fighting, ranked according to their efficacy and utility. This article will assist you in picking the martial art that's best for you and the most effective one for potential street battles. If you're looking to learn, then read this article!


Taekwondo is inspired by its creator Choi Hong Hi's "Theory of Power." The theory is a collection of views and observations based on rational thought and Newtonian Physics, which was utilized by Choi to explain the art of martial arts that is more effective than all others.

One observation he made was striking' power grows quadratically as speed increases but only linearly with the weight of the object that is moving, which led to him recognizing that the mass of muscle behind the strike isn't quite as crucial as speed. The result was the invention of Taekwondo as an art based on kicks since legs can produce faster and more powerful strikes than arms.

Although this makes Taekwondo distinct and practical, it is less effective than other martial arts listed for street fighting. Regarding self-defense and street fighting, relying on kicks in the majority is not a sensible choice since a strong jab could make more sense and benefit fighting on the streets than the best roundhouse kick Taekwondo can provide.

Martial Arts | +385959130078

Combat Sambo

The art was developed in the 1920s the 1920s in USSR; Sambo is a Russian martial art created to enhance the Russian military's hand-to-hand combat abilities. While Combat Sambo looks quite interesting, however, there are some issues with the art that cause it to be ranked 9th place in this ranking.

One of the biggest problems with this art is that Russian people make the art appear very unique. To help clarify this, one of the most powerful militaries around the globe utilizes Sambo for their primary combat method, which gives Sambo a trendy reputation. Additionally, the majority of those who participate in Sambo are Russian, Kazakhstan, or those from the region.

It's not that it's discriminatory or racist. Still, Russia's social and economic status has been a problem for the art, making it acceptable and even necessary for those who perform this art form to become more demanding than those from more affluent western nations. This hardiness and toughness resulted in the extreme discipline and determination required in the gym or the circle, making Sambo an awe-inspiring art.


It is widely believed that the renowned Karate originated in Japan. Contrary to popular belief, the origins of this art are from Okinawans. While Okinawa is part of Japan in the present, Okinawa was previously an independent country and the birthplace of much of what we refer to in the past to be "Japanese martial art."

Karate is a broad term that describes various types and styles of art. The most well-known forms of Karate are Shotokan, Goju-Ryu, Kyokushin, Shito-Ryu, and many other styles. Karate is not ranked as high on this list because its popularity has led to a huge number of McDojos that are merely inadequate and diluted. Karate schools are mostly there to make money and hand out belts with no proper examination.


It was developed by Japan in Japan by Jigoro Kano; the art is believed to be one of the first official organized martial arts that were developed in the nation. Jigoro Kano became famous in martial arts and later established numerous formal Martial art schools, which helped Judo gain international recognition.

This art consists predominantly of locks, throws, sweeps, and all other things connected to grappling. Unidimensionality is the main benefit and the biggest flaw of Judo. Grappling is a natural fighting technique because it requires hands and arms evolved to hold and grasp instead of striking, making this more normal.

Suppose you decide to redouble your efforts on this type of fighting technique. In that case, you will indeed develop into a successful martial art, but doubling down on a particular aspect of human combat ability could be unwise when it comes to using it for self-defense or street fighting. In this instance, Judo does not contain any striking technique vital in street fights or self-defense.


Western boxing dates back hundreds of thousands of years from ancient times, but there was never an exact date at which boxing became a popular sport. It's among the most intuitive methods humans fight, and it's been practiced for thousands of years.

Boxing, as it is commonly referred to, is a purely punching martial art, and the punching can be restricted to the belt line, which is in the middle lower region of the abdomen. The reason boxing is so efficient is the main disadvantage in its unidimensionality. It was more focused on striking to the point that it created art around the boxing ring while ignoring all the other components and functions of the human body.

For self-defense and street fighting, boxing is beneficial since you'll master various skills to a deep level that will provide you with an understanding of how fighting functions and the techniques to eliminate your opponent.


Western wrestling, often known as Greco-Roman Wrestling or French Wrestling, is a form of sport that has roots that go back to as early as 15000 years in the past. It's a type of fighting illustrated in cave drawings suggesting that the sport could even be older than the humans themselves. Many of the most well-known UFC fighters started their careers in wrestling, such as Daniel Cormier, one of the greatest heavyweights ever.

Wrestling is so effective because of the speed with which it can be takedown. Because there aren't any strikes in wrestling, all kinds of takedowns practiced in the wrestling arenas make up for the fact that they are not strike-proof. In the self-defense or street fight scene, wrestling is extremely efficient since you can shoot to take down a pair of legs, which could happen within the flash of an eye.

Judo | +385959130078

Muay Thai as well as Kickboxing

While there are some notable distinctions, Kickboxing is just as efficient just like Muay Thai and is within the same class; that is why they are utilized as a combination in this area. Muay Thai, also known as Thai boxing or Thai boxing, is a form of martial arts practiced in a traditional manner to use the whole body for close-quarter combat developed in Thailand.

Kickboxing, also known as American Kickboxing, dates back to the early part of the 1970s when it was created to combine different martial arts. Because these two disciplines are closely related, they are usually viewed as one. However, Muay Thai is majorly thought of as the more traditional type of Kickboxing.

Muay Thai is considered the top, undisputed striking art that is extremely effective in self-defense and street fights. The art is based on kicks, clinches, and other special techniques.


It's a martial art with the highest rise to fame as the main founders of the art passed away just a few decades ago. Jiu-Jitsu can be a highly efficient self-defense art because it does not rely on luck, luck, or physical strength; it is more dependent on skill and precision.

In the context of self-defense, It is considered that Jiu-Jitsu is more effective than the martial arts listed above due to its extremely efficient takedown techniques. Because Jiu-Jitsu focuses on takedowns rather than strikes, it's much easier to defeat an adversary in a self-defense situation, which makes this martial art more popular than the previous ones.

Krav Maga

This military combat system is designed to train those in the most difficult situations to defeat threats more effectively and faster, which is why it is second on this list. It is also the combat method taught by the Israeli military, making it so popular.

The thing that makes this art stand out on the list is its clarity in self-defense situations. Krav Maga attacks the body's weak points, aiming to take out the attacker as fast as possible.


MMA is one of the most well-known combat art of the moment. MMA is the most effective way to test pressure in different forms of martial arts. MMA isn't a single entity because it's a method in which a person tries their best to be the most effective all-around fighter, meaning that the artist puts a lot of focus on grappling, striking grappling and other forms of combat that humankind has developed to date.

This versatility is the primary reason MMA ranks high on this list. MMA doesn't have to be confined to unidimensionality like the other art forms listed, as it concentrates on filling all areas of one's knowledge about fighting. For self-defense, MMA can be used as the basis for standard self-defense techniques such as stand-up combat and grappling, which are virtually unbeatable on the street.

MMA | +385959130078