Wave Ngampruetikorn
Extrinsic vs Intrinsic Criticality in Systems with Many Components
Physical Review Research 7, 013188 (2025)
V Ngampruetikorn, I Nemenman and DJ Schwab
Extreme Synergy in the Random-Energy Model
Physical Review Letters 133, 257401 (2024)
V Ngampruetikorn and DJ Schwab
Specialization-generalization transition in exemplar-based in-context learning
Workshop on Scientific Methods for Understanding Deep Learning @ NeurIPS2024
C Goddard, LM Smith, V Ngampruetikorn, DJ Schwab
Model Recycling: Model component reuse to promote in-context learning
Workshop on Scientific Methods for Understanding Deep Learning @ NeurIPS2024
LM Smith, C Goddard, V Ngampruetikorn, DJ Schwab
Generalization vs Specialization under Concept Shift
Workshop on Scientific Methods for Understanding Deep Learning @ NeurIPS2024, arXiv:2409.15582
A Nguyen, DJ Schwab and V Ngampruetikorn
Impurity-induced anomalous thermal Hall effect in chiral superconductors
Frontiers in Physics 12, 1384275 (2024)
V Ngampruetikorn and JA Sauls
Generalized Information Bottleneck for Gaussian Variables
V Ngampruetikorn and DJ Schwab
Understanding Energy-Based Modeling of Proteins via an Empirically Motivated Minimal Ground Truth Model
Workshop on the Synergy of Scientific and Machine Learning Modeling @ ICML2023
PW Fields, V Ngampruetikorn, R Ranganathan, DJ Schwab and SE Palmer
Information bottleneck theory of high-dimensional regression: relevancy, efficiency and optimality
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35 (NeurIPS 2022)
V Ngampruetikorn and DJ Schwab
Spotlight presentation (~18% of accepted papers)
Inferring couplings in networks across order-disorder phase transitions
Physical Review Research 4, 023240 (2022)
V Ngampruetikorn, V Sachdeva, J Torrence, J Humplik, DJ Schwab and SE Palmer
Perturbation Theory for the Information Bottleneck
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34 (NeurIPS 2021)
V Ngampruetikorn and DJ Schwab
Impurity-induced anomalous thermal Hall effect in chiral superconductors
Physical Review Letters 124, 157002 (2020)
V Ngampruetikorn and JA Sauls
Energy consumption and cooperation for optimal sensing
Nature Communications 11, 975 (2020)
V Ngampruetikorn, DJ Schwab and GJ Stephens
VU News: Energy consumption and cooperation for optimal sensing
OIST News: Making sense of cells (Reprints at Phys.org, ScienceDaily, EurekAlert!)
Effect of inhomogeneous surface disorder on the superheating field of superconducting RF cavities
Physical Review Research 1, 012015(R) (2019) - Rapid Communications
V Ngampruetikorn and JA Sauls
Northwestern News: 'Dirty' Superconductors Make Better Particle Accelerators
Exploiting ecology in drug pulse sequences in favour of population reduction
PLoS Computational Biology 13(9): e1005747 (2017)
M Bauer, IR Graf, V Ngampruetikorn, GJ Stephens and E Frey
Bias, belief, and consensus: Collective opinion formation on fluctuating networks
Physical Review E 94, 052312 (2016)
V Ngampruetikorn and GJ Stephens
High-temperature limit of the resonant Fermi gas
Physical Review A 91, 013606 (2015)
V Ngampruetikorn, MM Parish and J Levinsen
Pair Correlations in the Two-Dimensional Fermi Gas
Physical Review Letters 111, 265301 (2013)
V Ngampruetikorn, J Levinsen and MM Parish
Three-body problem in a two-dimensional Fermi gas
EPL (Europhysics Letters) 102, 13001 (2013)
V Ngampruetikorn, MM Parish and J Levinsen
Repulsive polarons in two-dimensional Fermi gases
EPL (Europhysics Letters) 98, 30005 (2012)
V Ngampruetikorn, J Levinsen and MM Parish