Workshop on Advanced Topics in Partial Differential Equations and Applications

December 29, 2023 - January 11, 2024 

About the workshop

Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) have been one of the intercepts between the real world problems and Mathematical model. It helps to analyze the various phenomena in the fields of science and engineering. Not all models give the luxury of effortless understanding. But the advent of computers and its crucial developments in the modern era aids to fathom those complex situations via numerical methods.  The distinct applications in the real world enable various research elements/areas orbiting around PDE which often creates intense interest and curiosity towards the subject. The workshop concentrates on the following two aspects:

The workshop targets the young researchers/teachers who are at the early stages of their research and acquaint them with the fundamentals, discoveries, challenges and techniques evolved over the years in the field of PDEs. Further, it aims to interconnect the experts from the mathematical, computational, physical and engineering communities and young researchers/teachers to create new synergies, exchange of new ideas in this field.

Ideas to be explored in the workshop are essential to the current research area of PDEs and are highly relevant to Applied Mathematics. So, the workshop also aims to provide a good ambience for researchers/teachers to discuss unsolved/open problems, current and future directions in their field with resource persons.