Speech Contest

Level 1

1st place: Mark Sidlinskiy "ウクライナからの引越し"- Curtis High School

2nd place: Tim Lopez "Rain, Lightning, and Listening"-Woodinville HS 

Level 3

1st place:Jayda Fountain "初めての日本の旅行"-Curtis HS 

2nd place: Gloria Sung "日本のホームステイ"-Curtis HS 

3rd place: Vanessa Stevens "大切なこと" -Curtis HS

Level 4

1st place: Joshua Buhay "日本語の勉強方法" -Curtis HS 

2nd place: Udhay Ganesh "Out & about in India"-Redmond HS 

3rd place: Isabel Gonsalves "日本の美術史"-Woodinville HS

Heritage Level

1st place: Alice Fuentes "アメリカでの高校生活"- Woodinville HS 

2nd place: Aoi Kobayashi “My Favorite Songs” - Kamiak HS 

Saturday, March 16, 2024

The 41st Speech Contest, which was the very first Speech Contest that was hosted solely by the WATJ, was a huge success! Despite of the short amount of time and limited resources given, a few of the WATJ members have risen to the occasion, found the sponsors, trained the students and have them video tape their speeches! Then some of us volunteered to judge them, found the venue to present their speeches, prepared the awards and the ceremony! It was utterly amazing! The award ceremony took place during the Japanese Language Festival organized by the Japan America Society of State of Washington, at Chief Sealth International High School, which was possible because Joshua Hansel sensei generously hosted the festival at his high school. This allowed us to have an audience and a magnificent auditorium! These are the winners of the contest. 1st place of each level presented their speech on stage, with Takayuki Masai sensei's MC.   Participants all received goods from Japan Foundation and Temple University Japan Campus, winners received plaques provided by the Japan America Society of State of Washington, gift certificates from the Kinokuniya book store, and a nice award certificate made by Hiromi Pingry sensei. The 1st place of 4th level received a round trip ticket to Japan supported by the IACE Travel and funded by Japan Business Association of Seattle, East Asia Center at UW and Hyogo Business and Culture Center!  Please check out some pictures from the link, enjoy their speeches from the links below!


I want to thank again for the following people again: Takayuki Masai sensei for preparing all the paperwork, ballot and slides, Hiromi Pingry sensei for designing and printing all the certificates and picking up the plaques, Joshua Hansel sensei for hosting the JLF, Haruka Fujiwara sensei for containing many of our sponsors and reminding me what to do! All the judges and teachers who taught their students wonderfully so we can watch their excellent speeches.  Michiko Yoshino and Yoshie Pillips from the Japan America Society of the State of Washington for their generous support!

WATJ President Chikako Misener

Photo Album
