What type of water purifier do you need?

What type of water purifier do you need?

UV Water Purifiers - Ultra Violet technology based water purifier can filter the bacterias & viruses and muddy water. But dead bodies of viruses still remain in the water. So, this is not 100% pure water.

RO Water Purifiers - Reverse Osmosis technology based water purifier works perfectly and comes in an affordable range. It kills bacterias including their dead bodies, bad taste, muddy water and other harmful viruses present in the water.

RO+UV+UF Purifiers - If you want some good quality water purifier that gives you 100% pure water and if you open to investing above 10K then you can consider RO+UV+UF water purifier. You can also find a TDS controller water purifier with a few more bucks.

Gravity Based Water Purifiers - If you’re having water supply from municipality or borewell then you can use gravity based water purifier. These water sources provide hard water which is find to drink but still not 100% healthy or pure.

There are lots of other technology based water purifiers in India. But above-mentioned are most selling water purifier for home use.

4 Steps process to find the best water purifier for your home.

  • Know the water supply of your home.
  • Check the TDS level of water in your home water supply.
  • Decided the brands as per services, price and features.
  • Get one for your home.

Water is the first human need and 78% of our body consist of water. Our body parts, organ get energy from water minerals. So it is very important to drink pure water.

Know more about best water purifier in india.