I remember I used to have a playlist of kpop songs with water/rain sounds in the beginning. I lost it lately, but I remember a few songs I had on it, like Complex by Ziont T (feat. G Dragon) had the sound of water filling a cup in the beginning, and Knock (also by Zion T) opens with rain sounds. That's literally all the traces I have of my old playlist, but I'm sure there's more out there. Would like any song recs :')

We experimentally investigate the amplitude of the common sound heard when we pour water, tea, or coffee on a filled receptacle. Using water jets from circular nozzles, we find that pouring is audible when the nozzle distance from the free surface is above one-third of the jet breakup length. The sound amplitude increases with the steepness of the jet corrugation, informing that thin jets are louder than thick ones for a given pouring height. Since the jet corrugation is related to the air entrainment rate, the sound of pouring can serve as a practical noninvasive probe in aeration processes. After the jet breaks up into drops impacting on the free surface, the pouring sound amplitude increases with the nozzle diameter, unlike before breakup.

Water Pouring Sound Free Download

Download File 🔥 https://urloso.com/2y4CEK 🔥

Raw audio of a tub of icy water being poured onto snow-laden concrete. I had carved out a giant ice chunk from the tub and needed to be rid of the watery remains within. The recorder was about half a meter from the splash.

This sound is not in the public domain. Please attribute/credit the sound if you use it. If you would prefer to not have to give attribution, then take a look at the attribution-free license.

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I wonder if you could help me, recently whenever I've started my car first thing in the morning I hear a sound of water rushing/pouring through the engine. It's rather like the sound my central heating makes when I turn it on and the radiator pipes start filling up. I have never had this problem before I'm absolutely lost on to what it could potentially be? There is no leaks under the car or any warning lights etc

Mine made that noise when the water pump was on the way out. Open the bonnet and look down to where the water pump is to check for leaks. As suggested also check your coolant levels. 

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

There was a bit of white crusting on the water pump but nothing major - seemed to me it came from the overflow pipe on the top up tank which if I can remember correctly, one pipe feeds into the tank and another (on the right side?) vents any overflow out of the tank.

To me, the courage and strength of medical caregivers is amazing. When I write about them, I always try to recognize how difficult and emotionally challenging their lives are. Burn treatment is probably the worst part of any healer's day. If a story called me to write about it, I would want the writing to be sensual (i.e. filled with sensory words). I would be tempted to bring in smells which probably aren't very pleasant, but maybe sounds are a better way to portray what the caregiver is going through...

The sounds and sensations of the procedure calmed her. The rhythmic gurgling of the tap water swirling down the drain. The moist chill of each strip of gauze on her fingertips. She found focus in the familiar process and it allowed her hands to move smoothly, gently applying each dressing to cover the horrible wound. And that focus was crucial. It helped her continue doing everything which was needed, despite her patient's screams.

yep, that's definitely an air bubble in your loop. it really doesn't hurt the cooling capacity of the cooler, but you can only get rid of teh sound by either getting the air out or putting more liquid in. so with an AIO i guess returning it would be the best option here.

Surely if you can detect the change from cold water to hot water in a shower it is not the air remaining in a vessel.

The sound change is noticeable in open containers

Such as showers or sinks.

You may be right. But there is still more steam in the air with hot water, even without a container, which could filter the sound. Its just unknown whether that sort of effect is significant.

Also, see ~josh/documents/2018/19737.pdf , which is a small paper we did about the phenomenon. We tried pouring hot and cold water on the ground without a container (Fig. 4 in the paper), and it removed some characteristics from the spectrogram.

Would be fun to do a proper blind test of detecting hot and cold water in a shower though!

The majority of the literature on sensory expectations has focused solely on those that are set by the eye, that is, by what we see. However, although we rarely think about it, the sounds we hear prior to tasting also influence both our sensory expectations concerning what a food or beverage product will taste like and our hedonic expectations concerning how much we think that we are going to enjoy the experience. In this article, we focus on the perception of beverages and consider just what information is potentially conveyed to the mind of the consumer by the sounds of opening (the packaging), pouring the liquid, and even the sounds of carbonation of a drink in a glass or other receptacle. We review the research that has investigated whether people can discriminate the temperature of a beverage, the level and/or type of carbonation, the viscosity of the liquid, and even the shape of the bottle or container by sound alone. Finally, we look at the question of whether certain beverages do, or could possibly, have a signature sound of opening, and at the opportunities associated with the modification of product sounds in beverage advertisements in order to help emphasize certain specific product or brand attributes.

We recently demonstrated that normal individuals can discriminate between the carbonation sounds associated with different beverages when poured into a glass (see Table 1 for a summary of the results). The 71 participants (see [37], for details) performed at a level that was significantly better than chance when discriminating between the sounds of San Pellegrino sparkling water (43/71), Pisani prosecco (37/71), and Tattinger NV champagne (44/71) each being poured into a champagne flute. In this case, the participants heard the entire set of pouring sounds a couple of times before having to make their choices (possibly making the task a little easier than it might otherwise have been.

Not only do we hear the sound of the liquid as it comes into contact with the glass or receptacle, we also hear the periodic sound as air makes its way into the bottle to equalize the air pressure. Smith ([40], p. 53) makes the intriguing suggestion that expensive wines generate a distinctive gentle glugging sound when poured from the bottle (see also [41]). Certainly, one could imagine how the temporal dynamics of the sound of wine being poured from a broad-shouldered Bordeaux bottle would differ from the sound of a similar wine poured from a sloping-shouldered Burgundy bottle, or even a taller, narrower, Riesling bottle (see Fig. 4).

Wine bottle shape silhouettes: from left to right: Bordeaux, Burgundy, and Riesling. Would people be able to tell the differing sound made by wine when poured from these distinctively different bottle shapes?

Elsewhere in the literature, one finds researchers showing that sighted blindfolded individuals are also pretty good at filling a receptacle to the brim based on sound alone [42].Footnote 6 Listeners can, one presumes, pick up information concerning fundamental resonant frequency that increases as a cylindrical vessel fills.Footnote 7 Given such intriguing results, one might also wonder whether people could tell the shape of the glass into which a drink was poured. The results reported so far would seem to argue against this possibility. It is, though perhaps worth noting that in all of the studies that have been mentioned so far, more than one factor was varied at once, i.e. both the shape of the glass and the liquid being poured. As such, the dominant sound cue might have driven the choices that our participants made.

A second key issue that needs further investigation here relates to the fact that the majority of research on auditory design has been conducted under conditions where all other sensory cues relating to the drinks under consideration have been removed. Note that while it is one thing to say that we can tell the temperature of a drink from the sound when that is the only cue that we are exposed to, it is obviously quite another to show that such information is used/available when other sensory cues are available (such as vision and/or touch). After all, we are all visually dominant creatures [18, 49], and the psychology/neuroscience literature is replete with demonstrations showing that what is seen dominates or fundamentally changes what is heard [19, 50, 51].Footnote 11

A final concern here relates to the fact that the majority of experiments in this area have understandably been performed under those conditions in which all background noise has been eliminated. Once again, this is most unlike the conditions of everyday life [52]. Hence, while much of the research reported here clearly shows that sonic cues provide useful information under quiet laboratory conditions, it is less clear that such sounds will necessarily be audible to those who are drinking in bars and restaurants, where the background noise levels can exceed 100 dB (see [52] for a review).Footnote 12

The collection of the data reported in this article was approved by the Central University Research Ethics Committee of Oxford University under MSD-IDREC-C1-2014-205 (how music affects the perception of food and drink) and MSD-IDREC-C1-2014-198 (how sound communicates information about the multisensory environment). e24fc04721

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