Privacy Policy

Thank you for choosing to use Water Keeper. Security and privacy are your concerns and at the heart of what we do. Therefore, we believe it is important to be transparent about what we do with your information and what we do with it. This Privacy Policy explains how Water Keeper (“we” or “us”) collects and uses information about you when you visit or use our websites, mobile applications and other online products and services information,

Information we collect

Information on using Water Keeper:

When you use our products, we will collect your usage information.

- the session you used

- the screen or function you accessed

- Other similar usage information

Log information:

We collect standard log files when you use our Services.

- the type of web browser you are using

- Application version

- time and date of visit

- Viewed page

- your IP address

Device Information:

We collect information about the computer or mobile device you use to access our Services.

——Hardware model

- Operating system and version

- Device identifiers set by your device's operating system and mobile network information (such as your connection type, carrier and region).

Your personal information:

We ask you to provide your gender, weight and age, and then help you calculate your daily water intake. At the same time, we also need to provide your daily sleep time nodes so that we can remind you to drink water in time.

Use of information

The information we collect will be used to:

Provides basic servings, calculates your daily hydration goals, and serves accordingly.

To provide, maintain and improve our Services and to develop new products and services.

Monitor and analyze trends, usage and activity related to our Services.

To continuously optimize your experience based on your preferences, interests and browsing behaviour.

Cookies and other date collection

Cookies are a small portion of the text stored on the device you use to access our services. Cookies enable us (or a third party we allow to set cookies on your device) to identify duplicate users. Cookies may expire after a period of time, depending on their purpose.

We and our third-party advertising networks and their partners can use cookies and similar technologies (such as mobile "SDK") to provide and personalize our services, and provide targeted advertising to customize advertising according to your interests. In addition, we and some advertising networks may visit your installed app list to avoid promoting your installed apps.

Change of Privacy Policy

In the process of product operation, we may update our privacy policy from time to time to meet the requirements of service provision and relevant laws and regulations. Therefore, it is recommended that you check this page periodically for any changes.

Any information collected is subject to policy. However, we may amend this policy from time to time. If such changes are made, we will provide you with other forms of notice of modifications or updates, as the case may be. Your continued use of our apps or services after policy changes constitutes your acceptance of those changes.

Contact us

If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy and how we handle your information, please feel free to contact us at the following email