BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) is the program that manages the connection between the operating system and the laptop hardware devices. Sometimes the faulty BIOS settings can lead to the watchdog.sys blue screen errors in your computer. You can update BIOS in your computer to fix the problem.

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Watchdog.sys Driver Download

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Then you can follow the wizard to continue. After that, reboot your computer and Windows will attempt to reinstall the driver. When all steps are finished, reboot your computer and check whether the watchdog.sys BSOD error is solved.

BIOS is the program that can manage the connection between the operating systems and the laptop hardware devices. However, the faulty settings of BIOS will lead to watchdog.sys blue screen of death. In this situation, you can choose to update the BIOS.

To sum up, this post has introduced 4 ways to fix the watchdog.sys BSOD error. If you encountered the same error, try these solutions. If you have any better solution to fix watchdog.sys blue screen of death error, please share it in the comment zone.


I've had my alienware alpha for quite some time, but since a few months I have been getting blue screens of deaths (video scheduler internal error). These BSODs always occur when playing games. Ironically the games it occurs frequently at aren't the most graphical intensive. I've had a lot of crashes with Crypt of the Necrodancer for example, which is just a small indie game (I've played most AAA games without a problem). It happens with quite a few games albeit specific games, so I don't think the game is the problem.

Because it happened with specific games I thought it would have to do with my storage, so I replaced my hard drive with an SSD, but still these errors occured.

Apart from that my PC is still the R1 basic configuration with 8gb RAM. My graphic drivers are all updated with the NVIDIA program

These two files seem to be causing the crashes (according to BlueScreenView):

Blue screens are usually caused by bad drivers. Reinstall your video drivers that you download from Dell Downloads for your model. It's important to get all your drivers from Dell and not those from other manufacturers. Dell customizes the drivers for your exact model.

@Mary G Thanks for your response. I downloaded all my drivers from the Dell website and updated my video drivers via the official Nvidia Geforce Experience launcher. Would it be wise to reinstall them all? Or just my graphics driver? I've never had problems before in the years beforehand, but perhaps a bad update might be the cause.

Edit: I downloaded support assistant and it upgraded 2 intel drivers. Also I manually downloaded the bios upgrade and graphics driver (which were marked as urgent on the driver page). I will try to recreate the BSOD later today to see if it made any difference.

Still I'm a bit in doubt about the graphics drivers. The latest drivers on the dell website are from may 2018, Nvidias latest drivers (detected by geforce experience) are from this month. Would older drivers really be more stable?

@Alienware-Joe I've sent my serial number to Dell Cares

The driver updating process can be automated with the help of specialized software such as PC HelpSoft Driver Updater. This tool allows you to scan and update all your drivers, and you can set up automatic scans so that you will be notified when your drivers are going out of date.

Hopefully, with the provided solutions, you can restore the full functionality to Windows 10. However, if you have any further questions or an alternative solution, feel free to tell us in the comments below. We look forward to hearing from you.

If this is the case, then you are in the right place.This error usually occurs when you boot up the computer or perform regular operations, and this BSoD comes out of nowhere. It is usually not associated with a recent Windows update. This is because the watchdog.sys BSoD is usually associated with the graphics driver.

The watchdog.sys file is categorized as a Win32 Executable Dynamic Link Library (DLL). DLL is a code file that can be called upon by different processes when required. It was first released with Windows XP in 2001, but Microsoft has been updating it till 2015.The file can be found at the following location:

BSoD states that malfunctioning graphics driver often causes the watchdog.sys error or other corrupted system files associated with them.Let us now show you several methods to fix the issue.Fix Watchdog.Sys BSoDUpdate/Reinstall Graphics DriverSince the usual reason for the watchdog.sys BSoD is a malfunctioning graphics driver, the first approach should be to get rid of the existing driver and replace it with a new, better version (if one is available). Therefore, you must try and update the graphics driver. It can be done using the automatic update method or the manual method through the Windows Device Manager.

Windows 11 and 10 come with preinstalled tools to help fix the OS. Apart from the built-in troubleshooter you can find in the Settings app, Windows also comes with a Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM) tool and the System File Checker (SFC), where each performs a different scan and attempts to automatically fix any glitches in the OS.You can perform SFC and DISM cmdlets and attempt to fix missing or corrupted system files that may lead to a BSoD.Check for Hardware OverheatingAn overheated PC component, especially the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU), can also result in a watchdog.sys BSoD. If the methods above have not worked for you, then you can use these diagnostic tools and check their temperatures.

Furthermore, you must be signed in as an administrator so that you have the privileges to perform these steps.Start by downloading the virus-free watchdog.sys file from the link below and extract its contents. Watchdog.sys (22.6 KiB, 398 hits)

check whocrashed app and analyze dmp file cos it probably generated one which can tell what crashed.

Anyway specs would be useful as well



Memory amount and speeds timings if you know as well

nvme or ssd as well as what gpu and driver vision.

If i had to guess you probably had gpu driver crash.

Whocrashed is an app you can google it can be useful

I understand i also have problems im having system freezes everything points at gpu right now at times i have more gpu driver crashes then system freezes, did system ever freeze for you as well just curious or always bsod or gpu driver crash ?

Im on AMD gpu btw

What happens that when I have AMD graphics driver installed I am unable to put my laptop to sleep my closing it lid down because If I so that and re open it instead of waking up it restart and after restart when windows comes it shows recover blue screen "your PC ran into a problem."

It is also sure that the problem is with the Graphics card because if I uninstall all the drivers than no such problems happened and I am able to normal close the lid and put my laptop to sleep and wake it up.

I have this same issue. If you right click CMD and run as administrator, type: powercfg -a.If you see it complaining about VGAPNP.SYS, then the driver you have for your video card does not support the sleep function and you will have to update your driver. I have yet to resolve this issue as I am still looking for a proper driver.

Animated flash advertisements will load to the first couple of frames, I will hear a bit of noise and then a brief 1-2 second system hang and straight in to a bluescreen. Same goes for youtube etc, might see a frame, if that, a brief noise and hang/bluescreen. This has occurred since I have purchased the PC.

FP 10.1 allows many more GPU devices to use hardware acceleration than previous versions. Not all work well, and I don't know if this is a hardware or software (driver) problem. Disabling hardware acceleration, and sometimes updating the device drivers, will avoid the various problems that arise from incorrectly functioning hardware acceleration.

And yet, this problem did not occur to me in flash v9 , only since v10. And only when i visit flash based websites like youtube and various other video websites. you see a pattern or do i have to keep going?

Over Time my HP Envy has begun to throw Video Scheduler internal error and then BSOD. It has no obvious pattern - sometimes BSOD minutes after start up - sometimes it will stay up for a day and then fail. I have been through all the Support Assistant verification's on drivers and operating system upgrades. I have also stopped any applications that open at startup. It appears that the instance rate of BSOD is not changing - it has roughly the same intermittent pattern. In attempting to understand the cause I have been viewing the mini dumps that occur with each failure and I have pasted those records below.

- Shut down the Notebook completely

- Turn it back on, then tap the Esc key repeatedly until the Startup menu screen is displayed.

- Press F2 to select System Diagnostics.

- Click System Tests, then click Extensive Test.

If the information I've provided was helpful, give us some reinforcement by clicking the "Solution Accepted" on this Post and it will also help other community members with similar issue.

Igor, according to the IMX8DQXPRM Rev. 0, 5/20202, all of this is already configured as part of the SCFW. So, what I need to understand is how to configure the hardware Watchdog to enable and test the hardware watchdog. 152ee80cbc

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