In early 1880 Augustus Heiple took over publication of the politically neutral Tazewell Independent and changed its name to the Washington Republican and later the Washington News.  Heiple had a very public beef with the City Marshall which came out in his paper, and the City Marshall had no trouble going to other print resources: "He seeks to injure me through the columns of his paper, which he imagines will be received by the people as a reputable source because it is published by a knocked-kneed, hypocritical professor of Christianity.  I have frequently taken care of Gussie during my term of office, when he has been helplessly under the influence of liquor, and instead of locking him up in the calaboose, in company of tramps who were less fortunate, but I dare say more honorable, I have either taken him home or given him a bed in the bar room of the Sherman House." 

The 1880 U.S. Federal Census credits Washington with 1,397 resident, a drop of over 200 residents from 1870.

In news reported around the State, Washingtonian Eliza Jane Small, oldest sister of then Governor of Illinois Shelby Cullom, died in January.

Major James A. Connolly gave a political stump speech in Washington on September 9 while running for election as a State Representative.  Connolly would later serve in the U.S. Congress from 1895-1899.