Washing Machine Repair & Services

Get Best & Verified Technician At Your Doorstep

Washing Machine Repair & Services

The washing machine has become a very important item in the house of all Indians. Its great significance is that the Indian family will not dream of leaving this important machine untouched for so long. They consider the machine their friend, and they certainly will not want to go it alone. The care of the machine falls into the hands of a skilled technician, who can easily fix the errors of the washing machine. If the machine seems to work for you, but you do not know whether it works or not, the best way to check this is to contact a service professional to get factory recall and replacement, so that the problem can be fixed early. Here, we offer you the best Washing Machine Repair & Services, which can bring the factory feature machine to your door step.

Having your washing machine repaired by our technicians will not only ensure that your appliance will function like a new one, but will also save you from the hassles of having to go through the process of seeking service, wait for the repair and then replace the appliance at a later stage. The warranty of our appliances, however, remains intact, and we also offer a 6 months warranty on Washing Machine Repair & Services. So, if there is a fault with the washing machine, you can get it repaired without any delay.

When there is an appliance that needs repair, people rush to the market to look for the repair shops, which offer the service in their market. People look for a big brand name, since they want the warranty of a big brand and hence the repair work is inauspicious for the consumer. However, buying the second best brand or the appliance that has just one warranty, can cause the problems to escalate. A quality washing machine does not need a warranty, and thus people should not buy a cheap washing machine just because it comes with a warranty.

Fast & Reliable Appliance Repair When You Need Them Most!

Washing Machine Repair & Services

Washing Machine Installation

We provide the washing machine installation service at right price. Just one call at + 91-9569120866, our specialist will solve your installation problem.

Washing Machine Repair & Services

Washing Machine Repair Service

We provide Washing Machine Repair & Service at the affordable price. Just one call at + 91-9569120866, our specialist will solve your repair problems.

Washing Machine Repair & Services

Washing Machine Regular Servicing

We provide a washing machine service at a reasonable price. For just one call at +91-9569120866, you can book our Washing Machine service.

Washing Machine Repair & Services

Washer & Dryer Repair Service

We provide a washing machine service at a reasonable price. For just one call at +91-9569120866, you can book our Washing Machine service.

Washing Machine Repair & Services

How We Works?

We are equipped with all the right tools and machinery to repair any home appliance including a washing machine. Our trained team can conduct the basic repair work or do the full-fledged replacement of an appliance on your account. We offer our appliance repair services at nominal rates, so that our customers can afford them and get the best from us.

  1. Schedule and book a all machine repair session online.

  2. A diligent Technician will examine your appliance for faults.

  3. Our Technician will fix the problems using suitable spare parts and tools.

  4. The expert will test the machine after the service.

5 Tips To Extend The Life Cycle Of A Washing Machine

Your Washing Machine is an important tool and an inefficient machine will lead to clutter of your dirty clothes and your problem of cleaning! Therefore, it is important that you keep it in good condition.

Tips #1 : Clean the washing machine

Keeping your laundry clean is a good first step in making it last longer. If you do not make sure that all the rooms are clean, you may have fungus weeds or that you may be made of fabric that affects the quality of the way your clothes are washed. Keeping your washing machine completely clean will make it last longer.

Tips #2 : Never overload the machine beyond its capacity

Washing a full load is a great way to extend the life of your washing machine while reducing the cost of your utility bill. That being said, it is important not to overload the washing machine. Maintaining a healthy balance is key to keeping your washing machine running longer.

Tips #3 : Check the height of drain hose

The drainage pipe can cause problems if it is not installed at the proper height. If your suction pipe is too high, it can put more pressure on the machine and cause water to take longer to leave the washing machine. This can affect the quality of your clothes, but they also reduce the life span of the washing machine.

Tips #4 : Use Detergent wisely

Wise use of detergents is important, especially if you have rented your own washing machine. The reason for this is that excessive use of detergents causes problems with too much mold or mildew. If you rent your washing machine, it may cause you problems with your washing machine before the lease ends.

Tips #5 : Check all the pockets of your clothes

If you have pants or washable pants, check to make sure you do not have any coins or particles in them. These items can cause serious damage to your washing machine. If these things build up, they can shut down your machine and break important parts of the washing machine, which will cost you a lot.