Warwick PTA

Dear Warwick Families,

On behalf of Warwick PTA, it gives me immense pleasure to welcome you back after a (hopefully) restful summer. I wanted to extend a warm welcome back to the returning parents & children this school year and an even warmer welcome to the new parents and children who have now joined our awesome Warwick Family. 

At Warwick we pride ourselves in having a great parent teacher association (PTA) that works together hand in hand to make the lives of our children at school bigger, better, fun-filled and more fulfilling. Did I mention fun-filled? We can do so by the help from our passionate parent volunteers who step-up despite their busy lives and want to partner on their child's educational journey. 

We invite you to join Warwick PTA and be a member. Thank you to the first 100 families who have already joined Warwick PTA! For others, you would have received a flier last week in your child's folder on how to join Warwick PTA to keep yourself updated about the events, activities that Warwick PTA holds for our children, teachers and staff all through the academic year.

For ease of reference, here's the Totem Link to join us (Totem is the Online platform that manages PTA memberships across the state of California) -  Warwick Elementary PTA (jointotem.com)

I look forward to meeting many parents this school year on campus as we embark on an exciting school year ahead of us. Watch out for more details in the upcoming monthly Warwick PTA Newsletter distributed electronically. 



Neelam Tanwani, President, Warwick PTA 2022-2023

Email me at: presidentwarwickpta@gmail.com


Warwick PTA Meeting schedule

Time: 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)