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Exercises to Train Muscle at Home

It is not necessary to go to the gym to grow muscle. If you have a set of dumbells, it is also possible to grow the biceps by training at home. What are effective exercises to grow the muscle ball? And what can you eat the best to promote the recovery of the muscle?

Muscle ball or 'Biceps'

In the Dutch vernacular, the biceps is also called the muscle ball. The Latin name for this muscle is: biceps branchii musculus. The beauty of muscles is that it is possible to grow them. Muscles will grow on the basis of the right training and sufficient protein.

Training muscle balls at home

It is not necessary to go to the gym to become more muscular. The biceps can also be grown by performing the right exercises at home. It is necessary that you have a set of dumbells at home. The purchase of a set of dumbells, including weights, involves the necessary costs. However, this is a lot cheaper than an annual subscription at the gym. Can You Lose weight with water

Exercises to grow muscle

There are different exercises possible on the biceps to grow. In this article two very effective exercises are explained.

Hammer Curls

Dumbell Curls

Perform Hammer Curls

Stand upright, with a dumbell in each hand. Keep the arms straight and the elbows as close as possible to the torso

Keep the palms of both hands in the direction of the torso, this is the starting position

Breathe in and bend one arm or both arms at the same time so that the biceps are put to work, exhale by mouth at the end of the movement

Raise the dumbells at about the height of the shoulders and then lower them to the starting position

Repeat this exercise 8 to 12 times per arm.

Run Dumbell Curls

Sit on a stable surface and take a dumbell in each hand

Apply the left hand including dumbell to the left shoulder. Turn the palm in while lifting the dumbell. Lower the dumbell and move the left hand to the starting position

Then apply the right hand including dumbell to the right shoulder. Turn the palm in while lifting the dumbell. Lower the dumbell and return the right hand to the starting position

When the right dumbell is back in the starting position, the left dumbell can be lifted back towards the shoulder

Repeat this exercise 8 to 12 times per arm.

Training for extra muscle mass

If your goal is to build muscle mass, then it is important to use heavier weights during the biceps exercises. Try increasing the weight of the dumbells every week to stimulate the muscle growth of the biceps.

Eat enough protein

The body needs proteins to grow muscles. Proteins are building materials for the muscles. Try to get around 25 to 40 grams of protein with every meal. For example, eat six meals a day to provide the body with sufficient protein.

Protein shakes

To meet this protein requirement, it is possible to supplement your daily diet with protein shakes. It is best to drink a protein shake immediately after training to promote recovery of the muscle. controlledcarbgourmetdotcom