Update: Admirably, after just a few days after I sent in a request to include a feature to send input to command line applications, the sole developer of Hopper disassembler has included the feature. Notice the new 'application output' tab in the new Hopper disassembler 3.3.3:

In this case it looks like it has has elided the stack frame setup (the function prolog), but not the cleanup (function epilog). So you'll get a much better idea of what is going on by using an actual disassembler to look at the actual disassembly code:

Hopper Disassembler 4.2.1 MAC OS X

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In the case of your disassembly, the first part has been elided (left out as being an uninteresting housekeeping task) by the disassembler, but the second to last part (which undoes the first part) has not.

I have recently been playing with Hopper, a disassembler for Mac OS X, quite a bit. The tool is essentially a mid-line tool for working to reverse engineer code. It is more accessible on the mac than firing up a VM and using the venerable OllyDbg and the interface is quite a bit more elegant and user friendly. It is even mid-line in price, coming in between Olly, which is free, and IDA Pro which can run over a thousand dollars per license. If you hack stuff, reverse stuff or study malware on the Mac, the $60 price point is likely to make this a big winner for your budget. The app store link for the tool, in case you want to check it out, is here.

Hopper Disassembler is a binary disassembler, decompiler, and debugger for 32- and 64-bit executables. It will let you disassemble any binary you want, and provide you all the information about its content, like imported symbols, or the control flow graph! Hopper can retrieve procedural information about the disassembled code like the stack variables, and lets you name all the objects you want.

It's a i386 executable, so the arguments are passed using the cdecl convention. This means that arguments are pushed on the stack in reverse order. The first argument of [__libc_start_main][8] is the address of main, thus 0x8049180. In hopper, highlight it and press N to rename it to something more meaningful. Then jump to its disassembly by pressing enter.

Having the name of the classes, methods and instance variables is a great way to start RE an iOS app, but we are still missing the core of the application, its business logic. We need to understand what is happening inside the methods? what are the rules that the application follows? and to do this we'll need a disassembler. I've been using Hopper Disassembler for a few years now and I love it, it's perfect for beginners like me. You can download a trial version here, it gives you 30min sessions but you cannot save your work. The good news is that the full version costs only $99 for a personal license (unlike its more expensive friend that costs thousands of dollars, because it's aimed at more experienced users and has many, many more features).

Our next step will be combining the information we gathered from the class-dump data and the disassembler and we'll put it to a good use by modifying the app's behaviour at runtime, meaning we are going to run the application and while in memory we'll change some data. cycript is a tool written by Cydia's creator Jay Freeman (aka Saurik), this tool will inject itself into a running process (the iOS app) and give us an interactive console where we can run Objc/javascript code and it will be executed within that process' context.

To verify the functionality of objc2_xrefs_helper_hopper.py, I wrote a simple Cocoa application. The demo application can be downloaded from here. We load the executable mach-o file of the demo application into Hopper Disassembler, as shown below.

In the python script objc2_xrefs_helper_hopper.py, the function getRefPtr first gets the selector field in struct __objc_method. It then gets all references to the selector. Next, it checks which section these references are from. If there is more than one reference from Section __objc_const, that means that more than one class define a method with the same name. For this case, the script ignores it.

Now, you can't do all this stuff using only IDA.Even less if you use only the IDA Demo. There are some free disassemblers out there, but none is like IDA and Hopper, for example the same gcc (gnu compiler collection) we talked about before has its way to do that.

Another fast note here: if you modify the file trough a hex editor IDA and Hopper won't be able to edit it anymore (HxD just edits the hex, making it corrupted), but once edited with those two disassemblers they are capable of recompiling and keeping a plain text declarations of the classes (sometimes even error handling), but you need the full version (though IDA demo handles it, but doesn't name classes properly, even if you can still understand the code).

Compiled as a Mach-O executable from Objective-C, I loaded up the binary from the extracted .ipa into the Hopper disassembler to help me get an idea of what is happening. Hopper has some nice features such as generating pseudo code etc, so I quite like using it for these types of excursions. To start off, I searched around for strings that were related to the word jailbreak within the app. Class definitions, methods or any strings related to the term jailbreak was ok. I just wanted to get something to start off with. I found nothing. be457b7860

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