The only other alternative that I know of is to try and search google for the official wc3 maps and download them from some webpage. I dont know exactly where to find them cause Ive never had to download them myself, but Im sure it cant be that hard. theres several dedicated fanpages for maps out there.

Oh and your last resort would be to just wait it out for Reforged to release, which hopefully shouldnt be too much farther away at this point. As long as you can play the game just fine it shouldnt matter anyway, right? (you never mentioned any other problems so I assume you shouldnt really need the maps just to play)

Warcraft 3 Melee Maps Download

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Open the world editors and go to Open Map and there are 3 tabs: custom maps, melee maps, and campaign maps. Then choose the Melee Map you wish to modify. They are stored in a binary database subsystem call CASC and you cant find them without hacking open the game files using CASC View from Russia or by using Retera Model Studio.

I've been working on a special sort of melee map. There are going to be a lot things different from normal melee, so I need to scrap every melee setting from one of Blizzard's maps so I can focus on triggering.

Problem is, when I test the map it still gets treated like melee; all of the victory conditions are still there, everyone has 50 minerals, I don't have the vision I set for myself for testing purposes... basically every initialization trigger I set is being ignored.

Ok I feel like a complete grade A retard. I had several maps open and all of the trigger changes I was making was for one map and not the one I was trying to change. I didn't even know it was possible to do that.

I have a sneaky feeling the galaxy editor recognizes and does things differently for any map that is official blizzard property, I'd recommend steering clear of using any such maps as a base line for your own work. I can't confirm this is what's going on but I've seen enough references in the editor to assume that 'embracing & extending' a blizzard map is something they're discouraging and likely the reason for your triggers getting all messed up.

I have a sneaky feeling the galaxy editor recognizes and does things differently for any map that is official blizzard property, I'd recommend steering clear of using any such maps as a base line for your own work. I can't confirm this is what's going on but I've seen enough references in the editor to assume that 'embracing extending' a blizzard map is something they're discouraging and likely the reason for your triggers getting all messed up.

But we couldn't rip off Starcraft. Any maps we make have to be run by Blizzard's SC2 engine. We couldn't take the editor, recode it a bit, and then repackage and sell it because the tool itself is hard coded. Hacking of that coding would not be legal. See the difference?

People edit Blizzard maps as a base for a lot of reasons- specifically when they make games that are just variations of standard melee games such as Phantom BGH. Just because you don't personally doesn't mean plenty of people don't.

Some guess. If you have removed all melee trigger, try to look in game variant to see if anything suspicious going on. It might be that because the map is flagged as blizzard (yes they are, and those map has the luxury to use some all unauthorized trigger, like the campaign)

As long some maps provide noticable advantage to win for one class, there shoud be at last option to reduce frequecy to end on map you do not like ( Feature to avoid map like from Starcraft 2, which agian this not mean you wont get this map but at least this map wont be spamed for you, like ending 5 times in a row on blade edge)

do you not have knockback? knockback is king on this map. as melee you just spend 60% of your time running back up just to get knocked down again. but then again i play a class with no proper mobility options

Well, you may know that when you change the gameplay constants in the world editor, three of the neutral heroes at taverns to hire disappear: the firelord, the tinker and the alchemist, well, i know they're not a big deal, but i would like to hire one of them occasionally for a 1vs1 melee map (versus cpu :D), but i love to change the gameplay constante: for example, changing the food limit to 300, then, changing the unkeep levels from 50 and 80 to 100 and 200 :D, and finally, putting unlimited gold in gold mines XDDD but does anyone know if there is a way to hire goblin alchemists, tinkers and firelords in a map with modified gameplay constants???

WAH (Warcraft: Alliance and Horde) now released its 2.0 version, it has 4 factions: Alliance, Horde, Burning Legion and Undead Scourge, 30 distinctive heroes and 50+ units. 6 melee maps from Crossroads to Ice Crown for players to fight with each other or AI.

An interesting situation that can happen on this map is when both players decide to attack at the same time, but takedifferent bridges to reach the opposing base! Each player must then decide whetherto attack the enemy's relatively undefended base, or to use a Town Portal scroll to fallback and defend his or her own base.Download: (2) (55k)Here's my second Warcraft 3 mapping effort, Split Position. This map is designedfor 2v2 play.The map is inteded to give a slightly different spin to gameplay in that one playerper team starts close to the enemy, while the other teammate starts in a more shelteredposition, with their ally between them and the enemy. The corner island expansions are accessable by Waygates, located between the twomain bases on each team.Download: (4) (137k)Updated 3/28/2003 Revision History

A more "serious" mapping effort, Triple Double is my effort to correct a shortcoming in the default Blizzard-designed maps provided with Warcraft 3: a balanced map designed for 2v2v2 play (3 teams of 2). The map also works well for 2v2. Success on this map often hinges on control of the center. The creeps positioned in the center tend to encourage players to head there early on, creating early conflict similar to that which often happens on Lost Temple -- with the added twist that there are three teams involved instead of only two. Be careful not to getcaught between both enemy teams at once!Located on the outer path of the map are three one-way Waygates that transport units to the Health Fountain in the center. In addition to being a way for far-ranging forces to get back into the action quickly, these 'gates provide a way for alert players to ambush any units that an enemy player might have sitting at the Fountain healing.Download: (6) (153k)"Test Arena" Unit Matchup Testing MapDid you ever want to see how a battle between 7 Gryphons and 4 Frost Wyrms would work out? Or how different Orc forces would work to counter a mixed NightElf force composed of Huntresses, Druids of the Talon, and Chimeras? Then Test Arena is the map for you! This map is set up for 2 players, with unlimited gold and lumber, and one of each type of unit-producing building and upgrade building in the game for each player. Build times for all units and upgradesare set to 1 second, making production of any type of mixed force a snap. You and a friend build up the forces of your choice, then send them at each other in the center of the map. After each battle, any leftover units can besent back to the fountains of life/mana in each player's base to heal back up(at 10 times the normal fountain rate), or removed from the game by sending them through the portal at the bottom center of the map. Heroes can be quickly levelled by purchasing unlimited experience tomes from the two marketplaces located at the top of the map. Strength, Intelligence, Agility, and Health tomes are also available at the Marketplaces.The food usage of each player's force is displayed at the top right of the gameinterface, to help ensure "fair" matchups in terms of food used by each force(if desired).Known Issues and Revision HistoryDownload: (38k) (Requires the Frozen Throne expansion)Questions? Comments? Email: warcraft3maps at jonschneider.comLooking for Warcraft 2 melee maps? Try the KPUDs,a nice collection of melee maps for Warcraft 2. Way back in 1996 I wrote War Lake,one of the maps in the collection. 2351a5e196

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