Tips and Instructions

Here are some additional tips for taking a summer linear algebra course:

Course Description

Course Description:

This course is an introduction to the basic concepts of linear algebra. Topics covered include:


Course Objectives:

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

Course Schedule:

The course will meet for 120 minutes per day, 5 days a week for 4 weeks. The following is a tentative schedule of topics:

Module 1: Vectors, matrices and determinants

Module 2: Vector Spaces

Module 3: Linear transformations

Module 4: Eigenvalues and eigenvectors

Module 4: Introduction to Differential Equations


The course will be graded as follows:


The required textbook for this course is:

Additional Resources:

Recommended Reading:


Class Schedule: Tu, Thu 09:30-10:45 (SDSB B-2)

Instructor's Office Hours: Mon, Wed 3:30-04:00, Tu, Thu 13:00-15:00 (SSE- MATH 9B30)

Weekly Breakdown:

Week 1  Introduction to Linear Algebra, History of Linear Algebra,  What are Linear systems?,  How to model some linear systems (Traffic flow, Equation balancing etc.), Solution of a linear system,  Parametric form of a solution.
Week 2 Geometric description of solutions in 2D and 3D, Matrix Algebra (Addition, Scaling, Transpose and Multiplication), Equivalence of linear systems with Matrix equations, Solving Linear systems using Elimination methods, REF, RREF, Rank of a matrix, Fixed and Free variables.

Quiz 1 (30-1-24) (Covering Week 1 and Week 2)

Quiz 1 + Key 

Week 3 Triangular matrices, Elementary matrices, LU Decomposition, Inverse of a matrix, Adjugate and determinant of a 2x2 matrix, Inverse using Elementary row operations.

Week 4 [Election Holidays]

Week 5 Determinant of higher orders, Properties of determinants, Cofactor expansions, Adjugate of higher orders, Cramer's Rule.

Quiz 2 (20-02-24) (Covering Week 3 and Week 5)

Quiz 2 + Key 

Week 6 Vector Spaces, Vector algebra in R^n, Dot Product, Cross Product, Projections, Applications of dot and cross products

Week 7 Lines and Planes in 3D, Distance between point and a line, Distance between point and a plane, Subspaces, Linear independence, Span and Basis.

Week 8 Dimension of a vector space, Linear Transformations.

Quiz 3 (07-03-24) (Comprehensive covering Week 1-7)  Solution Key
MidTerm Exam+Key (09-03-24)

Week 9 Linear Transformations (Part of the Final Exam), Fundamental subspaces. [Continued from past week]. Decomposition of a vector space into orthogonal subspaces. Rank nullity Theorem, Some geometric linear transformations.

Week 10 Injective and surjective linear transformations, How to find inverse of a bijective linear transformation. Eigenvalues/Eigenvectors, characteristic polynomial, Cayley Hamilton Theorem.

Quiz 4 (26-03-24) (Covering Week 8 and Week 9 (before eigenvalues))

Quiz 4 Key

Week 11 Eigenvalues/Eigenvectors continued. Some applications involving eigenvalues/eigenvectors. Diagonalization of a matrix, Orthogonal diagonalization of a symmetric matrix.

Week 12 Introduction to differential equations. Basic notions. Solving certain first order ODEs (Separable, Linear, Homogenous, Bernoulli, Exact, Direct Substitution).

Quiz 5 (16-04-24) (Eigenvalues/Eigenvectors and Applications)

Quiz 5 + Key 

Week 13 ODEs continued. System of first order linear differential equations. Converting higher order ODEs to first order systems.

Week 14 Solving system of linear ODEs using eigenvalues/eigenvectors. 

Quiz 6 (25-04-24) (Comprehensive Post Midterm)

Quiz 6 Key 

Final Exam (29-04-24) [Post Midterm]

Final Exam Key