Sib. 6.x: letters in noteheads

 Posted by Aaron Krerowicz - 27 Jul 03:42AM Hide picture I'm trying to use large size noteheads that have letters embedded inside them for a pedagogical worksheet, but quarter note F's always appear (and print) as E's. (I've attached a screen shot to illustrate - look for the notes circled in red.) I assumed I had made a mistake, but then I realized that *all* quarter F's were appearing as E's. Anybody know how to fix this problem? I've already tried going House Style>Edit noteheads... and making sure I select F not E, but it still doesn't work.

Also, the E's on the bottom line of the treble staff never appear correctly because the staff line blocks middle horizontal line of the E (again, see attached picture - look for the notes circled in blue). Any ways to fix that? It happens with all of the letters that are placed on a staff line, but it's most noticeable with the E's.

Any help would be much appreciated!

Aaron Attachment sibelius problem.jpg (322K) Back to top | Allthreads Re: Sib. 6.x: letters in noteheads

 Posted by Bob Zawalich - 27 Jul 06:20AM Hide picture I have never seen the wrong letter in a note before. Have you perhaps transposed those notes? The name is put into the note when the plugin is run and does not update if the pitch changes. Try running the plugin again.

If that does not help, please post the score and someone can take a look at it.

In Sib 7, there is a fix for the transparency problem that lets staff lines show through the notes. In Sib 6 there is a somewhat hacky fix in a downloadable plugin called Add Notehead Names White, which adds at white notehead in a different voice under the named noteheads. You might give it a try.

The problem is that the holes in the noteheads are a font property and the fonts are by nature transparent. This has been a problem since the named noteheads were introduced, and it has really only very recently been worked around.



Sib 1.2 - 7, Windows 7 Pro SP 1 64 bit, 4 G RAM. Year 2012.

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Support for Sibelius users does not imply support for Avid. Back to top | Allthreads Re: Sib. 6.x: letters in noteheads

 Posted by Lloyd Parsons - 27 Jul 12:04PM Hide picture I never saw wrong letters in one note before, but I did see a few times where it had all the notenames wrong. That was when I was using sib 5 and 6. Never figured out what caused it and don't remember how I fixed it. It was a rarity.

The plugin Add Notehead Names White does work for the most part, but I found that there were definite limits to just how big you could grow the notehead size before the white was out of sync with the notehead.

With Sib 7, the new graphic notenames are nearly perfect after you massage them a little as noted in a couple threads here.



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Sibelius 7.x Back to top | Allthreads Re: Sib. 6.x: letters in noteheads

 Posted by Aaron Krerowicz - 28 Jul 01:26PM Hide picture Ah, I figured out what I was doing wrong with the note names in the noteheads and now it works fine.

Also, regarding the white noteheads plug-in, it took me a while to figure out exactly what file goes where, but I got it eventually and now it works flawlessly. The idea of overlapping noteheads like that is genius!

Thanks guys,

Aaron Back to top | Allthreads Re: Sib. 6.x: letters in noteheads

 Posted by Bob Zawalich - 28 Jul 02:58PM Hide picture > The idea of overlapping noteheads like that is genius!

More like desperation, but I'm glad you got it to work!



Sib 1.2 - 7, Windows 7 Pro SP 1 64 bit, 4 G RAM. Year 2012.

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Sib. 7.0: Sibelius 7 Plugins Folder

 Posted by Arnau Bataller - 09 Aug 12:46PM Hide picture I'm new here so hello everybody!.. I would like to know where is the plugins folder in Sib7. I know where to install the new plugins so Sib can recognize them, but in thta folder (users/AppData) I only can see the downloaded plugins. I want to organize, delete, the plugins so only the ones I use shows. 

By the way, is there any way to assign a shortcut to all your favourite plugins menu? Right now you only can see plugins associated to the menu you are working on.


Arnau Back to top | Allthreads Re: Sib. 7.0: Sibelius 7 Plugins Folder

 Posted by Robin Walker - 09 Aug 01:23PM Hide picture You should not interfere with the existence or locations of the plug-ins that ship with Sibelius: if you do, then you might suffer problems when you apply future Sibelius updates.

See Section 1.22 of the Sibelius 7 Reference for how to "Unload" unwanted plug-ins from the ribbon menus without deleteing them or moving them on hard disk.

You can assign keyboard short-cuts to any plug-in individually.


Sibelius 6.2, PhotoScore Ult 7.0.1, Dolet 6 for Sibelius, Windows 7 32-bit SP1, 4GB RAM Back to top | Allthreads Re: Sib. 7.0: Sibelius 7 Plugins Folder

 Posted by Bob Zawalich - 09 Aug 04:09PM (edited 09 Aug 04:10PM) Hide picture Sibelius 7 user folders are in a different location than recent earlier version. Where the earlier versions use "Sibelius Software" in the path, Sib 7 uses "Avid".

So for me on Windows 7, Sib 6 plugins were in C:\Users\Bob\AppData\Roaming\Sibelius Software\Sibelius 6\Plugins\, but in Sib 7 they are in C:\Users\Bob\AppData\Roaming\Avid\Sibelius 7\Plugins\

Downloadable plugins will all end up in the Plugins menu for the Home tab.

I don't see any way of getting a shortcut to s specific menu on a tab.

I am finding that typing the plugin name into the Find in Ribbon box is a faster way of getting to a plugin that searching through the menus. You can still set shortcuts to specific plugins, which will be faster still.



Sib 1.2 - 7, Windows 7 Pro 64 bit, 2.13 GHz Core 2 Duo; Audiophile 2496; 4 G RAM. Year 2011.

I am an experienced Sibelius user, but am not affiliated with Sibelius Software.

Sib Plugin downloads: (see How to Install Plugins; use Vista for Windows 7)

Alphabetical plugin lists:, Back to top | Allthreads Re: Sib. 7.0: Sibelius 7 Plugins Folder

 Posted by Arnau Bataller - 09 Aug 05:28PM Hide picture Hi Robin and Bob, thanks for you replies. It would be very cool to be able to assign a shortcut to a selection of your favourite plug-ins so you don't have to scroll over all the others. I have a couple of shortcuts for my most used, but I can't assign a shortcut to all of them (may be 10-15). I found a little bit time consuming searching through all of them... Back to top | Allthreads Re: Sib. 7.0: Sibelius 7 Plugins Folder

 Posted by Daniel Spreadbury - 09 Aug 06:06PM Hide picture You can assign shortcuts to as many plug-ins as you like, using the Keyboard Shortcuts page of Preferences.


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Other countries: Back to top | Allthreads Re: Sib. 7.0: Sibelius 7 Plugins Folder

 Posted by Bob Zawalich - 09 Aug 07:01PM Hide picture For having a set of commonly used plugins, I find Hans Christoph Wirth's Fixed Plug-in Shortcuts (Windows only) plugin to be very useful. It will let you set up a list of up to 26 plugins that you can set up a 2-key shortcut for.

Though it is marked for Windows only, I think it will work in Mac but the shortcuts in the dialog are not quite the same.

Set up a shortcut to this one, and you can make up a list of the ones you use often.



Sib 1.2 - 7, Windows 7 Pro 64 bit, 2.13 GHz Core 2 Duo; Audiophile 2496; 4 G RAM. Year 2011.

I am an experienced Sibelius user, but am not affiliated with Sibelius Software.

Sib Plugin downloads: (see How to Install Plugins; use Vista for Windows 7)

Alphabetical plugin lists:, Attachment Snap1.png (44K) Back to top | Allthreads

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The first ever user of Sibelius was the composer and engraver Richard Emsley, who provided advice on music engraving prior to the start of development, and beta tested the software before its release. The first concert performance from a Sibelius score was of an orchestral work by David Robert Coleman, copied by Emsley. The first score published using Sibelius was Antara by George Benjamin, also copied by Emsley, and published by Faber Music. Other early adopters included composer John Rutter, conductor Michael Tilson Thomas, and publisher Music Sales. be457b7860

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