It seems possible but there is not enough information. We could assist you more if you tell us where is located the target website and if your private network is configured to accept incoming requests.


I configured piwik in my local machine using wampserver2.0

My target site is hosted separately through web server. But how do I track visits for a site hosted through a web server from my local server?

Wampserver 2 Free Download

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Warning: include(C:\wamp\www\piwik\tmp\templates_c%%4C^4CB^4CBFC613%%datatable_js.tpl.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\wamp\www\piwik\libs\Smarty\Smarty.class.php on line 1869


It seems possible but there is not enough information. We could assist you more if you tell us where is located the target website and if your private network is configured to accept incoming requests.[/quote]

I'm trying the free service of dyndns, so that I could just give the others the domain name that I created and not my ip address whenever I want them to see the webpage that I have done. I do not use any router in my home. And I'm accessing the domain address that I've created through dyndns perfectly, but when I tried giving the address to someone that is outside the home network. They cannot access it.Do I need to setup something else on the os or the firewall so that they could access my site?Cause I believe that whenever you install wampserver, it already adds rules to the windows firewall so that everybody could access it.

NOTE: These guidelines are intended for a Standard Moodle installation on a Windows PC for a private or test Moodle installation, NOT a production (public) site or service. If you wish to install Moodle on a public site using Git then please see Git for Administrators. If you wish to contribute fixes or improvements using Git please see Development: Git for developers

download and test out fixes by developers and to share with others their own changes which may potentially get integrated into Moodle for the benefit of everyone. In this page we are merely going to use the system to download Moodle onto our computer- (see the cycle in yellow in the screenshot)Git makes it easy for us to update Moodle when new versions come out each week, and it gives you the potential when more familiar with it to grab other changes and help test it. However, if you merely want to have Moodle on your Windows pc to practise and try things out and are NOT really interested in having all the latest changes then it might be easier for you to use the All in one Windows Installer package instead.

4. When it is done, come back to Wampserver and click the Download button again.Download, save and run the program, making sure you keep a note of where it has installed it on your computer. It will be in a folder called wamp. as in the screenshot to the left.

Once wampserver is installed you will see a W icon, either on your desktop, start menu or taskbar (according to what you selected when installing.) Click it to bring up its options and then click PhpMyadmin as in Screenshot A below.

Along with the folder containing all the Moodle files, we need another folder to hold all the user data once Moodle is up and running. This is traditionally called the "moodledata" folder. We need to create a new folder for this before downloading Moodle.

The file path shown in your black box ("Windows power shell") is where Git has made your personal repository. You can download Moodle into there if you wish, but you will then have to copy the Moodle folder into your wampserver directory. Instead, we will download Moodle straight into the www folder of our wampserver directory.

It could be your downloaded wampserver had a corrupted cURL extension (mine did). Go to and download the cURL extenstion there. Unzip it and then add it into (for example) wamp>bin>php>php 5.3.13>ext. (The exact path will depend on where you saved your wampserver.) Let it override the original and try again.

In the #Getting hold of Moodle section, make sure your path does not include "www". It might be for instance "C:\wamp". Moodle will then download directly into your wampserver directory. Rename your "www" folder to "wwwOLD" and then rename your newly arrived moodle folder to "www". 152ee80cbc

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