Center for the Adaptation of Marine Mammals

Центр адаптации морских млекопитающих

Current Inventory


Past Inventory

? unknown (transfer 2019-Nov-26)

unknown (transfer 2019-Nov-26)

unknown (transfer 2019-Nov-26)

unknown (transfer 2019-Nov-26)

unknown (transfer 2019-Nov-26)

unknown (transfer 2019-Nov-26)

Benus (transfer 2011-Nov-27)

Peiqi (transfer 2011-Nov-27)

Notes and Information

The Center was originally located in the Sports Embankment of Vladivostok (Спортивной набережной Владивостока; coordinates 43.123056°, 131.874502°), but was moved to Srednyaya Bay (coordinates  42.877311°, 132.714234°) in 2009 or 2010 due to ice conditions and severe pollution of the water.

This facility has been referenced as Primorsky Dolphinarium (Приморский дельфинарий - the registered company name of the facility) and Dolphinarium Vladivostok (Дельфинарий Владивостока - at its previous location).

It is operated by the Pacific Fisheries and Oceanography Research Institute (Тихоокеанский научно-исследовательский институт рыбного хозяйства и океанографии), or TINRO (ТИНРО).

The Center is often mistaken for the Primorsky Oceanarium's Base for the Research of Marine Mammals, a similar set of seapens owned and used by the Oceanarium.
