Privacy Policy

Updated on 1/12/2022

We believe that our users’ privacy is important. This privacy policy applies to Wallpaper Hiday. We have designed this policy to explain our privacy practices so that you can understand what information about you is collected, used and disclosed. We collect your information to provide better services and user experience. If you agree to this privacy policy, we will collect your use, your data when using our application.

Information We Collect

Within the framework of this policy, "user's personal information" refers to:

1. The personal information provided independently by the user during use of the application, including the user's personal data. Required information is marked in a special way. Other information is provided at the user's discretion.

2. The data automatically transmitted to the developer during the use of the software installed on the user's device, including the IP address, the technical characteristics of the hardware and software used by the user, the date and time of access to the service, and similar information.

3. This policy only applies to information processed during the use of the application.

4. The developer has not verified the accuracy of the personal information provided by the user and cannot assess its legal capacity.

Collection Purpose

Data about users is collected to enable apps to provide their services and for the following purposes:

1. Processing users’ personal information.

2. The service collects and stores only personal information necessary for the performance and improvement of the application.

3. Processing users' personal information for identification of the service party, provision of personalized services to our users.

4. Communication with our users, including sending notifications, requests, and information about your use of the Services and the processing of your requests and applications.

5. Improve service quality, ease of use and develop new services.

6. We perform statistical analysis and other research based on anonymous data.

Who we may share your data with

We currently share our user information with the following parties, and you can refer to these links to get more details concerning about how your data privacy can be protected by them:

1. Google Play

2. AdMob

3. Facebook

4. Firebase

Control over your data

You can request an export file of personal data that we store about you, including any information you provide to us. You can also ask us to delete any personal information we hold about you. This does not include any information we need to keep for administrative, legal or security purposes.

Changes to Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy may change from time to time, we will post any changes to this Privacy Policy on this page, so please check it back periodically. We may provide you with additional notification forms for modifications or updates as appropriate.