Stay up to date with our new arrivals, featuring the latest wallpaper trends and the most-loved vintage classics that never go out of style. Find a print that suits you, from instant-impact murals to textured, illuminating wallpapers that light up an entire room. You can also find familiar wallpaper prints that are back in stock by popular demand in our new arrivals, ensuring no one misses out on their favourite wallpaper print.

With that vertical line drawn, we peeled off most of the backing from our first section of wallpaper and stuck it to the wall, being sure to keep that outer edge right along our level line that we had drawn right on the wall.

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Strike up the band! Fire the cannons! Attempt to twerk! Okay maybe not that last one, but whatever the appropriate celebratory action is, bust it out because our once very wallpapered house is officially wallpaper-less!

A bunch of corners in there were curled up from the effect of the shower steam over the years, so it took virtually zero effort (and apparently zero clothes) to get most of the shower free of wallpaper.

There were still lots of dimples and low points, so we also decided to fill things in with a coating of spackle. You can see that my coverage was super thin (I was scraping it nice and firmly against the wall) but it did the trick for filling in those slightly recessed peeled-looking spots.

Next up was primer. See how yellow the walls were on the left, compared to the fresher look of primer on that wall on the right? It was possibly my favorite priming project ever, since it evened out the spotty wall and made the whole room so much brighter.

In summary, the way that wallpaper is adhered along with how well your walls are prepped beforehand seems to have a lot to do with how easy (or how impossible) it is to remove the wallpaper. Nothing we tried was super fast and amazing, but most methods actually worked over the course of 8-ish hours if you kept at them. So hopefully taking those five techniques for a spin and outlining them as we went was somewhat helpful for others who are staring at a bunch of wallpapered walls and wondering what to try next.

Naked wall paper removal cracks me up! Congrats on getting that all done. And yes, lots of painting going on around here, starting with painting our wall to wall paneling in the basement (before starting I totally looked back at your post for how you did that in your first house!).

I am to the point with some wallpaper in a room in my house that I would seriously consider paying you guys to come finish it for me. the paper ripped away from the underside, and that dang underside WILL NOT COME OFF.

Hooray for no more wallpaper!! I used the fabric softener and water combo to remove wall paper at our house recently and it worked really well for us. Our wallpaper had been painted over, so we had to score the top layer and soak it and then give the under layer a second soak.

This wallpaper job was very much like my dining room, tough no matter what you did but the steamer and softener action worked out best. And yet in the kitchen we knocked out an entire wall and the top part of another in 3 hours. Total crapshoot I guess, but so satisfying to have it done. Our walls were as bad as yours so I totally agree it was poor wallpaper adhesion. These days our lives seem like an endless circle of de-wallpapering, spackling, sanding, priming and painting and our kitchen is a total disaster zone but whenever I get flustered I look at the completed dining room and and that gives me the motivation to keep going.

We have been removing wallpaper from our house and all the walls under are horsehair plaster. Some of the paper came down in big strips, but other walls needed to be steamed off. We tried a ton on methods including the fabric softer, bottled strippers , but the thing that worked the best was a serious steamer. We opted to buy one from home depot (link below). It was a bit pricey, but well worth it, it also cleans floors, carpets, car seats and basically any other hard surface.


Congrats on a wallpaper free home! This wallpaper job seemed very much like my dining room: super tough no matter what you did so I agree that it was probably very bad adhesion. These days our lives seem like an endless cycle of de-wallpapering, spackling, sanding, priming and painting and our kitchen is a total disaster zone but whenever I get flustered I look at the completed dining room and and that gives me the motivation to keep going.

I think as long as you paint those with semi-gloss paint they should be fine (most older bathrooms have tile that stops around there, but since the shower sprays down it seems to be ok for the most part).

I would try working with them and just layering in art and curtains and accessories and stuff that you love, just to see how it looks. Maybe add some colorful pops in the bedding and art to draw attention from the cream stuff?

Sherry, Have you thought of adding luan to cover the wallpaper. You could glue it in, caulk around it and then paint. No one would ever know how you covered the wallpaper. It would just look like wood.

Girl I cannot even imagine dealing with all that wallpaper!! Just the one border I have in one room has taken forever. I keep going back and doing it in shifts bc its such a pain! All the props to you!!

Some time ago, Sherry included in a post that she was going to be trying five different wallpaper removal posts. I see this post a continuation of that previously shared note and am fully prepared for one more installment, if not possibly a wrap up one.

Whereas now, John and Sherry have for months been bringing this house up to the zero point from which the true fun can start. The zero point is where there is no wall paper, where everything that was cream/pink/blue/dark has been painted white, where basic function has been achieved, where dangerous things have been fixed, and where the truly mood-dampeningly hideous things have been been neutralized (Phase 1).

I really appreciated this post, especially the part about needing the tweezers to take the wallpaper off the part that the built-ins were on top of. In our house, the previous owner put the crown moulding ON TOP of the wallpaper. We needed to exacto and tweezer off, ON A LADDER, the entire perimeter of the room. Torture. Needless to say, we still have several rooms to go.

I had painted over wallpaper in 3 rooms of this house and I tried each method that YHL has used. I found the best luck with scoring and then using a steamer. My daughter would steam a section and then I would immediately peel that section before it dried. It got most of the top layer and some of the bottom layer. For any remaining bottom layer, I used the fabric softener method followed by the vinegar rinse. There was a small of amount of wall repair and then I primed before painting.

Can I just tell you how lucky you are that the previous owners primed the walls before wallpapering!!! We bought a house at about the same time you moved in and we have found out that the wallpapered bathrooms (master bath with vaulted ceilings no less) were put directly onto the drywall with no prep! So when you steam the wall paper off parts of the drywall start to tear off with it. We are going to have to skim the whole wall to even get to the point to prime it!!! It has been a complete nightmare. After spending 3 hours on a wall that is 8 ft high by 3 ft wide, we decided to get some quotes to hire it out. Many painters have told us they would paint over it with oil based primer after skimming the seams and such. We were hesitant at first but think we will go that route since they told us it will save us a lot of money. Wallpaper is our nemisis!!!!

Oh no! Sad to hear that about fabric softener! But so glad steamer is your favorite method too! Makes me feel like it might be a good starting place for folks who wonder what method might be the easiest!

Just removed some wallpaper. What worked best for me, after trying several methods, was the last method you just finished. I removed the patterned layer. Then I sprayed the glue layer with warm water and some fabric softener. The glue layer came off fairly quickly and the room smells fresh because of the fabric softener.

I would SERIOUSLY! recommend the fabric softener. We tried one of our rooms with the DIF brand gel that is supposed to help, and the next room with the fabric softener. Looking at our third and final room, we are 100% fabric softener backers! Hardly any wait time for it to soak in, plus, as a bonus, your hands are super soft afterwards and your room smells great!

We also offer real-time previews of what your wallpaper will look like in your living room, bedroom, office, or any wall in your house, so you can be sure you will love your new removable wallpaper before your place your order.

Vinyl peel and stick wallpaper - Our removable vinyl wallpaper has a smooth feel and is easy to install. Thanks to its six-millimeter thickness, it is highly durable and easy to clean. Our wallpaper provides strong adhesion to painted walls, wallpapers & wood paneling but it is also easily removed without leaving any adhesive residue which make a great renter friendly option.

Woven fabric peel and stick wallpaper - Our fabric wallpaper is a 100% polyester fabric with a high-end woven texture. It can be installed on almost any surface and will not shrink, rip, or curl. This material uses the latest self-adhesive technology and can be used multiple times without losing its tackiness which makes this a great option for renters and home owners alike. 152ee80cbc

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