Knjiga Blokiran Mozak Pdf 29


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How to Free Yourself from Obsessive-Compulsive Behavior with "Blokiran Mozak"

If you suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), you may feel trapped in a cycle of unwanted thoughts and compulsive actions that interfere with your daily life. You may spend hours checking, cleaning, counting, or repeating rituals that bring you no joy or relief. You may feel ashamed, anxious, or hopeless about your condition.

But there is a way out of this brain lock. In his book "Blokiran Mozak" (in English: "Brain Lock"), Dr. Jeffrey M. Schwartz, a leading expert on OCD, offers a four-step self-treatment method that can help you change your brain chemistry and overcome your OCD symptoms. The method is based on the principles of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and mindfulness meditation, and has been proven effective by scientific research.

The four steps are:

Preimenovanje (Relabeling): Recognize that your intrusive thoughts and urges are not true or important, but are caused by a faulty brain circuit. Say to yourself: "This is not me - this is my OCD."

Ponovno Odreivanje (Reattributing): Realize that the intensity and persistence of your thoughts and urges are due to a chemical imbalance in your brain. Say to yourself: "This is not a real need or desire - this is my brain sending false signals."

Refokusiranje (Refocusing): Shift your attention away from your OCD thoughts and urges, and engage in a positive, constructive, or enjoyable activity for at least 15 minutes. Say to yourself: "I don't have to act on these thoughts or urges - I can do something else instead."

Ponovno Vrednovanje (Revaluing): Review the results of the previous steps, and appreciate the benefits of resisting your OCD thoughts and urges. Say to yourself: "These thoughts and urges are not valuable or meaningful - they are just noise in my brain."

By practicing these four steps regularly, you can train your brain to respond differently to your OCD triggers, and reduce their power over you. You can also learn to accept your thoughts and feelings without judgment, and cultivate a sense of self-compassion and gratitude.

If you want to learn more about the four-step method and how to apply it in your life, you can read the book "Blokiran Mozak" by Dr. Jeffrey M. Schwartz and Beverly Beyette[^1^] [^2^], or visit the website

You don't have to live with OCD forever. You can free yourself from the brain lock and reclaim your happiness.Here are a few more paragraphs that you can add to your article:

Many people with OCD have successfully overcome their symptoms and improved their quality of life with the help of the four-step method. Here are some examples of real OCD success stories from Dr. Ori's website[^1^]:

A 25-year-old attorney who obsessed over whether her behaviors were 100% ethical. She learned to relabel her doubts as OCD, reattribute them to a brain glitch, refocus on her work tasks, and revalue her thoughts as meaningless. She was able to reduce her checking and reassurance-seeking behaviors, and increase her confidence and productivity.

An 8-year-old girl who developed OCD after being bullied by a new kid in school. She had intrusive thoughts that something bad would happen to her or her family if she did not perform certain rituals, such as tapping, counting, or washing. She learned to relabel her thoughts as OCD lies, reattribute them to a bully in her brain, refocus on playing with her friends or doing her homework, and revalue her thoughts as unimportant. She was able to stop her rituals and enjoy her childhood again.

A 29-year-old man who suffered from contamination OCD. He feared that he would contract a deadly disease or infect others if he touched anything dirty. He learned to relabel his fears as OCD exaggerations, reattribute them to a chemical imbalance in his brain, refocus on his hobbies or social activities, and revalue his fears as irrational. He was able to gradually expose himself to feared situations, such as touching doorknobs or shaking hands, and reduce his washing and avoiding behaviors.

These are just some of the many examples of how the four-step method can help people with OCD break free from their brain lock and regain control over their lives. You can read more stories of people who have recovered from OCD on various websites and blogs[^2^] [^3^] [^4^], or share your own story of recovery with others. 66dfd1ed39

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