Despite the Heat Wave . . .

these intrepid Members made it to our 

Spring Recognition at: 

Will Library . . . Tues, July 16th 

THANKS for your contribution which helped us achieve plus -25,641 MILEs towards our GOAL.

A Big thanks to the Yonkers Public Library for Hosting us

- -- and   Y-O-U - - -

 for your STEPS & MILES contribution which made us hit our GOAL.


. . . the

Walk Challenge 2024 

Yonkers on the Move (YOM), a citywide walking campaign promoting a 

healthier lifestyle, is proud to announce our

WALK 20 Challenge's

 14th Walk season 

which is Year Round .

. . . the Challenges will be Seasonal:

Winter Wonderland Phase (completed)

Jan 1st thru Mar 31st

Spring into Fitness Phase (completed)

Apr 1st thru Jun 30th

Summer Adventure Phase

July 1st thru Sept 30th


Fall into Fitness Phase

Oct 1st thru Dec 30th

our 2024 Goal is  -33,000 MILEs 

A Big thanks to the Yonkers Public Library for Hosting us.