Played in real-time, the tactical level is really tactical. Squads, teams, crews, individual guns, vehicles and tanks are at the command of the player. A simple dropdown menu for each unit allows the players to give orders. Units can ambush, defend, creep, move, move fast, or fire. On the move, the player drags a cursor with an attached line to the location he wants the piece to go and clicks again. Orders affect units; running too far exhausts the soldiers. Having squad mates killed or wounded reduces morale; units run out of ammunition and may no longer fire. Terrain features affect line-of-site, units seek cover and concealment in trees and buildings. Squads maneuvered to the flank and rear of the enemy can close and destroy their opponents. This is just like all the other Close Combat games.

Hi guys, long time lurker, first time poster etc etc. I've always been interested in the Close Combat series, as I really enjoy games like Combat Mission and Graviteam Tactics, and Close Combat looks similar. They're on sale right now on gog _close_combat_tiein. So, I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for which game to start with or which one is the best? The older games are super cheap, but I was wondering how well they hold up today in terms of AI and such, the reviews on gog are very positive, but sometimes I worry that there's a lot of nostalgia involved in these. I'm willing to fork out a bit more on something like Gateway to Caen or Panthers in the Fog if the experience is going to be more well-rounded, especially in terms of AI. Any thoughts/advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks

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Players also have to make effective use of combined-arms tactics to be successful in Close Combat. Infantry assault require support from machine guns, tanks, and mortars, to suppress enemy fire. Armor units also require screening from infantry units. Although they possess superior firepower, tanks are vulnerable to ambushes from bazooka or panzerschreck units, especially in close quarters such as a town or forest, where the ambushing infantry can wait to have a shot at a tank's vulnerable flank or rear armor. Tanks are also vulnerable to fire from concealed anti-tank guns, or ambushing tanks, which may wait to fire until the enemy presents his flank or rear.

"The Golden Age of subversion" is over,says Editor William F. Buckley Jr., and he almost seems to regret it.Gone are traitors of the magnitude of Alger Hiss, witnesses of theeloquence of Whittaker Chambers. Still, today's radical resurgence,thinks Buckley, has created a swarm of lesser subversives who bearclose watching. To keep an eye on them, he has started a four-pagenewsletter, Combat, to be published twice a month.

The Solar Leopards are known for their exceptional skill with close combat weapons, especially swords and lances. They also make use of specialized aerial vehicles, including Stormtalons and Thunderhawks, to augment their mobility and strike power in the air. The Solar Leopards are deeply committed to the principles of honor and self-sacrifice. They believe that the greatest glory is achieved through acts of bravery and devotion to duty. Their chapter culture emphasizes discipline, martial prowess, and spiritual purity. They are deeply respected by other Imperial forces for their unwavering loyalty and ferocity in battle. The Solar Leopards are a chapter of Space Marines that embody the ideals of honor, courage, and sacrifice. They draw inspiration from the rich cultural heritage of their homeworld, which is reflected in their battle style, armor, and beliefs. As defenders of the Imperium, they are a force to be reckoned with, feared by their enemies and revered by their allies.

The homeworld of the Solar Leopards is a cold mountainous world known as Jivikar. The planet is located in the Ultima Segmentum of the Imperium bordering the Eastern Fringe, and it's rugged terrain and harsh climate make it a challenging place to live. However, the planet's unique ecosystem and rich mineral deposits have made it a valuable asset to the Imperium. The people of Jivikar are descended from ancient tribes that inhabited the planet's mountains for millennia. These tribes were known for their exceptional physical abilities and their close relationship with the natural world. Over time, they developed a rich cultural heritage that emphasized self-discipline, martial prowess, and spiritual purity. The Solar Leopards draw inspiration from the native snow leopards that inhabit the highest peaks of Jivikar. These majestic creatures are revered by the people of the planet, who see them as symbols of strength, agility, and courage. The Solar Leopards emulate the snow leopards in their battle style, using hit-and-run tactics and lightning-fast assaults to overcome their enemies. The people of Jivikar have developed a unique martial art known as the "Cirutapuliar (Leopard) Style." This style emphasizes speed, agility, and precision, and it has been adapted by the Solar Leopards into their combat doctrine. The chapter's battle cry is "Jivikar Forever," which reflects their deep love and respect for their homeworld. Jivikar is also renowned for the abundance and variety of its exotic spices, coveted by gourmets and chefs alike. The people of Jivikar use the planet's rich spice resources to create flavorful and aromatic dishes, often incorporating them into traditional stews and meat dishes. The Solar Leopards maintain a close relationship with the people of Jivikar, who see them as guardians and protectors. The chapter's fortress-monastery is located on the highest peaks of the planet, where they can keep a watchful eye on the surrounding territory including the nearby Capital of Sooraj Tenduar. The Solar Leopards also provide aid and protection to the people of Jivikar, who face constant threats from hostile alien species and rogue factions.

The Solar Leopards are a highly mobile and aggressive chapter, specializing in aerial lightning-fast strikes and hit-and-run tactics. Their combat doctrine emphasizes speed, agility, and precision, allowing them to quickly outmaneuver and overwhelm their enemies. The chapter's warriors are trained to be masters of both aerial and ground combat and are adept at fighting both on foot and on aircraft. They are also skilled at using jump packs to quickly traverse the battlefield and engage their enemies in close combat with weapons such at the Vajra Pattern Bolter. The Solar Leopards' combat doctrine emphasizes shock and awe, with the chapter's warriors launching sudden, devastating attacks on their enemies and then quickly retreating before the enemy can mount an effective counterattack. This allows the chapter to inflict maximum damage on the enemy while minimizing its own losses. The chapter's emphasis on speed and mobility also extends to its vehicles, which are designed to be fast and maneuverable. The Solar Leopards make extensive use of aerial vehicles, which allow them to quickly outflank and outmaneuver their enemies on the battlefield. In addition to their speed and mobility, the Solar Leopards are also skilled at using their psychic abilities to augment their combat effectiveness. The chapter's Librarians are trained in a variety of psychic disciplines, including telekinesis, pyromancy, and divination, and are adept at using their powers to disrupt enemy formations and enhance the chapter's own attacks.

The combat doctrine of the Solar Leopards is known as the "Solar Strike." It is inspired by the hit-and-run tactics of the White Scars, but with a focus on aerial combat rather than bikes. The Solar Leopards make use of specialized aircraft, including Stormtalon Gunships, Stormraven Gunships, Storm Eagle Assault Gunships, Stormhawk Interceptors, and Thunderhawks. These aircraft are heavily armed and armored, and they are capable of delivering devastating firepower to enemy targets. The chapter's pilots are some of the most skilled among the White Scars and its Successors, with years of training and experience in the unique conditions of Jivikar's mountains. They are masters of aerial combat, able to maneuver their aircraft with incredible speed and precision. They use hit-and-run tactics to disrupt enemy formations, drawing them into traps and ambushes. The Solar Leopards also make use of ground troops to support their aerial assaults. These troops are trained in Leopard Style martial arts and are skilled in close combat. They are transported to and from the battlefield by the chapter's aircraft, allowing them to strike quickly and disappear just as fast. The chapter's use of aerial combat allows them to control the battlefield from above, using their aircraft to identify and neutralize key enemy targets. The Solar Leopards often employ lightning-fast strikes to destroy enemy command centers, communication hubs, and supply depots. Despite their focus on aerial combat, the Solar Leopards are not afraid to engage in ground combat if necessary. They are skilled in hit-and-run tactics and are adept at avoiding enemy fire while striking from unexpected angles.

The Solar Leopards have developed a unique variant of the Stormtalon gunship, known as the Solari Pattern Stormtalon. The chapter's Techmarines have modified the standard Stormtalon design with stronger engines and more advanced avionics, allowing for greater speed and maneuverability in combat. The Solari Pattern Stormtalon is capable of performing advanced aerial maneuvers and engaging in dogfighting with enemy aircraft, while also providing close air support to ground troops. The chapter's pilots have undergone extensive training to master the Solari Pattern's capabilities, allowing them to effectively engage enemy forces in a variety of combat scenarios. However, at the expense of greater speed and power, the Solari Pattern's drawback is that it has a significantly shorter flight time and cannot fight for extended time period like the average Stormtalon due to its increased fuel consumption. The Solari Pattern Stormtalon has become a symbol of the Solar Leopards' prowess in aerial combat, and is highly valued by the chapter for its ability to dominate the skies. Numerous pilots train in the perilous Jivikari Mountain Ranges, which feature steep curves and high turbulence, aiding the pilots in honing their skills through flying amidst the mountains. Many Chekavar Skywarriors will paint their aircraft with the eagle's likeness along with other symbols and writings. be457b7860

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