Love yall! Let's make the year great! - Ally Francis

 Welcome to Wakefield Weekly! Happy reading! - Wakefield Weekly Team 

About The Newspaper

This newspaper is just a fun website where you can read stuff on the scale of serious to ridiculous. It provides an opportunity for students to learn more about what's happening in the school and this also gives students the chance to write about different topics.

What to be on the lookout for?


Confused on when the next game is? On when the dance is? This page is for you!


Want to see opinions on different topics? Check this page out to see what everyone thinks about different subjects.

Short Stories

Need something to read in English class before you start? Or maybe you just have to have this awesome idea you had written down? Check this awesome section out!


Wondering when the next spirit week is? Is there an upcoming dance? Check out this section to know what's going on in our school.

And many more!! 

Books to Buy!