Carolina Leduc Articles

No Time Left 


“Before you all leave, please check PowerSchool so you can see what you need to turn in. The rest of this quarter is reserved for making up work in all classes,” said Mrs. Teller, my math teacher.  

I sighed, putting my head in one hand. I hate math. No, hate’s an understatement. I despise it. Don’t get me wrong. My math teacher’s awesome. But just the subject alone makes my stomach turn.

Not wanting to disappoint my teacher, and wanting to go to my electives, I quickly logged into my computer to check. Shoot. I'm glad I looked because I had 6 missing assignments.

Oh Lord,” I whispered. 

“What?” my friend, Caleb, asked as he collected his things. “What’s goin’ on?”

“Um, nothing. I’ve just got a bunch of assignments due.”

Caleb stifled a laugh. “Ha. Good luck.”

“Thanks,” I grumbled, grabbing my things and shoving them in my bag. Guess I won't be getting much sleep tonight. 


Turns out, things didn’t really go as planned. I got home and almost immediately fell asleep. To say I was mad is an understatement. 

After a long day at school, I get home and, with a sudden boost of motivation, I run upstairs to my room, dig out my computer and set up shop to work. As I worked on a missing essay from ELA, my phone buzzed on the desk. I sighed and flipped it over to see my friend, Caleb calling. I look over to my clock for the time which read 4:30.

“Five minutes,” I whispered to myself as I slid my finger across the screen to answer. But it’s not until 5:30 that I actually get off the call. So, I may or may not have gotten a bit distracted. What can I say? Friends are the best kind of disturbance. 

After that slight wrench in my schedule, I ate dinner, which turned out to be the only break I’d have until 2:00 am. Don’t even get me started on how tired I was the next day. Definitely got a good 3 hours during Math, Science, and ELA. Mrs. Fidgeon, my Science teacher, was a little worried to say the least. 

“This is interesting behavior coming from one of my best students,” she told me after class. It was just the two of us. I was grateful she hadn’t corrected me during the lesson; she’d just let me sleep. “I hope I never see you asleep again, Mr. Davis. I hope you don’t mind me asking why you’re so tired all of a sudden.” I then explained my entire situation to her, and she sat there and listened, which was nice. Adults don't usually do that. 

“Have you thought about talking to your other teachers about it?”

“Of course I have. But what are they gonna do? Give me an A instead of an F like I should have?”

She laughed. “Well, maybe not that, but a couple of extra days from the new quarter to turn it in.” 

“You really think that’ll work?"

“You’ll never know until you ask.” So, taking her advice, I went up to my ELA teacher and explained everything. She’d told me that she’d understood and actually gave me an extension! It was until she left at 3:30, but still. It was only more than enough time for me to work on it. 

When I got back to class, I was smiling so brightly and so hard that not only did my face hurt, but Caleb raised an eyebrow at me and asked, 

“Dude, what’s got you in such a good mood?”

“I have more time to work on my school assignments,” I responded, settling myself down in front of my computer and getting to work. Caleb stared at me for a few seconds and whispered a small “weird” and then looked back down to his own work.

At the end of the day, I turned all my work in, and here we are. My grade, if you’re wondering, went from a 69% to a 75%. Needless to say, I was very happy.

Interview With Mrs. Brothers


History of Mrs. Brothers

Mrs. Brothers, our new 8th-grade assistant principal, will be joining us on March 17, 2023, and we decided to interview her so we can get to know her better. Mrs.Brothers was born in Dallas, Texas to a military family, she grew up moving around a lot. She was in Germany when the Berlin Wall came down. Some things about Mrs. Brothers are that she loves to be of service and loves to work with kids, so she decided that she wanted to be a teacher. She dreamed of being a teacher since elementary school, and she was successful in this dream and was a history teacher. After a while, in her career as a history teacher, she decided that she wanted to reach more kids than just the ones in her classroom. One of the biggest challenges in her career was the transition from a teacher to an assistant principal, but from the 17 total years she has worked in Wake County Schools, I am sure it was worth the challenge.


Mrs. Brothers is a very nice person. Let's get to know her a bit! First, she has a lot of interesting hobbies such as painting, puzzles, taking her kid to extracurricular activities, as well as her chickens. Speaking of her chickens, she really loves them. In fact, she has 12 of them, some make green eggs, some make blue eggs, and others just make regular brown eggs. Along with her chickens, she has a Shih-Poo dog named Bella which is hypoallergenic. When she was growing up, her father was in the military, so she was always moving around. Although she was born in Dallas, Texas, she said her favorite state to live in was Colorado. She is married with 2 kids, a dog, and her chickens. Her favorite holiday movie is ELF. Her favorite movie genre is Sci-Fi. Lastly, she loves history which is why she used to teach it.

Plans for her future here

We asked Mrs.Brothers about her plans for Wakefield and she said she wanted to observe and build relationships with the students. We also asked her why she chose Wakefield, and her response was she wanted a work-life balance. Along with those we asked her why she wanted to be an assistant principal and she answered that there was a point in her teaching career where she wanted to do more and push to be the best version of herself. Lastly, we asked her what about Wakefield appeals to her and she said that this was a nice age group, and she feels like she has reached her max growth in high school and she also wanted a change in environment. 

Mrs.Brothers is an amazing person and she will be an amazing addition to the Wakefield family.

Cheerleader Interveiw

Have you ever had questions about cheerleading at this school? Well, good news I interviewed the two cheer captains Morgan and Lucy, and before we get into the questions here is a little bit about them. Morgan has been a cheerleader since she was little but this is her first time doing a more significant thing for cheer and Lucy has also been doing cheer since she was little. Now let's get into the questions. First I asked when they decided to cheer. Lucy answered that it is a fun sport and she also finds it fun to support our school. Morgan responded that she finds cheer so fun and loves its different aspects.  Then I asked them what made them want to start cheering in the first place. Lucy answered that she had been doing it her whole life and just really liked it. Morgan responded that she does dance outside of school and has heard about past cheerleaders in the past and wanted to try it. We also talked about if it was hard to balance cheerleading and school and they said that no also that the coach was really understanding and works practice around the cheerleader's schedulers. They also said one of the hardest things about cheerleading was balancing the needs and wants of others and there are many of them. Moving on Morgan said some of the things she loves about being cheer captain are the leadership and that you really get to know the people on your team and Lucy said she also loves to lead and help others learn. The two of them also said that they wanted to continue some aspects of cheer but focus more on dance rather than cheerleading. We also talked about their greatest accomplishment and greatest struggle. For their greatest accomplishment, Morgan and Lucy said it was school awards. They said their greatest struggle was time management. Finally, some tips they have for people who would like to do cheerleading is to come prepared to try new things and be load and if you feel a bit silly you are doing it right.

Written by Carolina Leduc

NCASC Conference 


NCASC stands for North Carolina Association of Student Councils and from March 10-13th at Grays Creek High School there was a state conference this year's theme was leadership in bloom this year's participants were Sky Talmadge, Ally Francis, and Carolina Leduc. At the conference, our delegates participated in 5 general sessions as well as 2 skill shops but more on those later. In the general sessions, our delegates had the opportunity to have a speech from many different speakers such as Brandon Price who is the CEO of Fayetteville Area Habitat for Humanity and he talked about how leadership is about helping others and other things. Another speaker we had was Moes Harris who talked about how to make yourself a better person/leader. Also at the conference, our delegates had the amazing opportunity to participate in 2 skill shops such as council bonding, staff appreciation, and public speaking. At the conference, we also voted for the state board and district chair and Ally Francis won the Central District vice chairperson for middle schools which is very exciting. 

That is all I hope you consider joining us at Mars Hill University for the Summer Workshop which is from June 10-15th!

Written by Carolina Leduc