18 September 2023

1st Workshop on Advancements in Federated Learning

WORKSHOP SCHEDULE  (18 / 09 / 2023)

Location: Aula 4i - Politecnico di Torino (via Castelfidardo 39, Torino)

Opening [9:00 - 9:10]

Speakers: Mirko Polato, Prof. Roberto Esposito (University of Torino)

Keynote [9:10 - 9:50]

Speaker: Prof. Marco Aldinucci (University of Torino)

Presentations [9:50 - 11:00]

Coffee Break [11:00 - 11:30]

Presentations [11:30 - 11:50]

Keynote [11:50 - 12:30]

Speaker: Prof. Yang Liu (Institute for AI Industry Research, Tsinghua University, China)


Lunch [12:30]


AI-based systems, especially those based on machine learning technologies, have become central in modern societies. In the meanwhile, users and legislators are becoming aware of privacy issues. Users are increasingly reluctant to share their sensitive information, and new laws have been enacted to regulate how private data is handled (e.g., the GDPR).

Federated Learning (FL) has been proposed to develop better AI systems without compromising users’ privacy and the legitimate interests of private companies. Although still in its infancy, FL has already shown significant theoretical and practical results making FL one of the hottest topics in the machine learning community.

Given the considerable potential in overcoming the challenges of protecting users’ privacy while making the most of available data, we propose WAFL (Workshop on Advancements in Federated Learning Technologies) at ECML-PKDD 2023.

This workshop aims to focus the attention of the ECML-PKDD research community on addressing the open questions and challenges in this thriving research area. Given the broad range of competencies in the ECML-PKDD community, the workshop will welcome foundational contributions and contributions expanding the scope of these techniques, such as improvements in the interpretability and fairness of the learned models.


The WAFL workshop will be centered on the theme of improving and studying the Federated Learning setting. It will welcome applicative and theoretical contributions as well as contributions about specific settings and benchmarking tools. The topics include (but are not limited to):


Workshop's organizers

Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science
University of Torino
Torino, Italy

Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science
University of Torino
Torino, Italy

Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science
University of Rome
Rome, Italy

Assistant Professor
SySMA Research Unit
IMT School for Advanced Studies
Lucca, Italy