wafflelab Privacy

Thank you for using the WaffleLab application. We value your privacy and the security of your personal information. Please review the following Privacy Policy to understand how we collect, use, and safeguard the information you provide to us.

Collection and Use of Information

While using the WaffleLab application, we may collect specific information included in the service. This information may encompass, but is not limited to, order details, contact information, and precise or approximate location data when you provide your address for delivery purposes. We utilize this information to enhance our services and provide an improved user experience.

Location Sharing

To facilitate the delivery process, users have the option to add their precise and approximate location details to their address list within the application. This allows our delivery personnel to easily locate and deliver their products.

Information Protection

We implement appropriate security measures to safeguard the personal information you entrust to us. However, it's important to note that no online security system can guarantee absolute security.

Information Sharing

We do not sell or trade the personal information of WaffleLab application users. We may share some information with external parties solely for the purpose of providing our service, such as delivery services.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

We may periodically update the Privacy Policy. You will be informed of any modifications by posting the revised version here or through notifications within the application.

Please note that the addition of location sharing to your Privacy Policy should be done in compliance with applicable privacy laws and regulations, and users should be provided with clear information and the option to consent to sharing their location data.