North Peak

Ascent of North Peak (Southwest Slope, class 2), with Robert Zeithammer, May 9, 2023.

Photo Album


May 8, 2023. Lundy Canyon ski approach. We left the trailhead at the Lundy Dam at 9:11, and skinned our way around the main lake and the other lakes above it. We passed through a forest of aspens that had been wiped out by an avalanche, and had a snack in a rare dry clearing along Mill Creek. We then made our way to the steep headwall at the head of Lundy Canyon, staying a bit left of the summer trail. The angle soon got too steep, and we booted up the steepest portion at a very slow pace. A strong headwind slowed us down and made the going uncomfortable. Soon we crested onto gentler terrain around Odell Lake, continued on to Lundy Pass, and then skied down to Greenstone Lake (17:19). Robert found a location for a camp under a small clump of young whitebark pines – we were unable to find a dry spot anywhere. We set up camp for a comfortable night. (A 8:08 hour day, 7:05 hours moving, 6.71 miles, 2,661 feet of elevation gain).

May 9, 2023. Ascent of North Peak. We wanted the snow to soften a bit to ease our skinning up the Southeast and Southwest slopes of North Peak, so we left camp at 9:26 under partly overcast skies. We weaved our way along some snow ridges to the last of the Conness Lakes, and then booted up (with crampons) the steeper snow of the Southeastern aspect of North Peak. Soon we reached a sort of plateau along the Southwest Slope, and it was a short hop to the summit (13:39). We stayed there for a bit, eating lunch and taking photos. The weather was worsening but we knew that the ski descent back to camp would be very quick. I found the steep portion a bit challenging, but we made it down without too much difficulty and were back in camp at 15:07. Robert went to ski Greenstone Chute while I rested in camp. That evening we got a dusting of snow. (A 5:41 hour day, 4:48 hours moving, 4.57 miles, 2,085 feet of elevation gain).

May 10, 2023. Excursion to Spuller Lake. I almost didn’t sleep at all that night and that would result in low energy and low enthusiasm for the day. Robert had the plan to ski down False White Mountain, so we skirted Saddlebag Lake to its dam, and on to Spuller Lake. There, I decided I had had enough, and retraced my steps to camp, where I took a nice nap. Robert went on to successfully climb False White and ski down its East Face. He then popped over Greenstone Ridge and skied the Greenstone Chute back to camp. (A 4:40 hour day, 4:18 hours moving, 7.62 miles, 1,310 feet of elevation gain).

May 11, 2023. Return via Dore Pass, Oneida Lake and Lake Canyon. We wanted to get an early start to make it out in time for lunch at the Whoa Nellie Deli. So we left camp at 8:04 and skinned up the 1,000 feet or so to Dore Pass. We saw some bear tracks in the snow at the pass. The eastern side of the pass features both a snow slope and a steep rocky buttress. I was not feeling it, so I opted to hike down the rocky buttress while Robert skied the slope. We rejoined where the angle eased, and started the long, 3,500 feet ski descent back to Lundy Lake. This was very enjoyable despite the occasional flat portions around some of the lakes (chiefly Oneida Lake). We were back at the car at 11:27. Alas, the Whoa Nellie was closed on account of the heavy snows (only to reopen on May 19), so we pushed on to Mammoth and had lunch at the Mammoth Brewing Company. We then went to my house, sorted through our gear, showered, and got on the road back to LA. (A 3:23 hour day, 3:08 hours moving, 6.96 miles, 1,265 feet of elevation gain).

Trip totals: 21.42 total hours, 19:19 moving hours, 25.86 miles, 7,321 feet of elevation gain.
