Red and White Mountain

Ascent of Red and White Mountain (Northeast Ridge, class 3), with Mike Callen, June 25, 2021.

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June 25, 2021. As a consolation prize for failing to do the Palisade Traverse due to weather, Mike and I resolved to dayhike Red and White Mountain. While technically easy, it would be a big day, with about 18 miles of hiking and 5,000 feet of elevation gain. We set out from the trailhead at 7:15 and made relatively quick work of the first 7.5 miles up beautiful McGee Canyon, reaching Little McGee Lake at 10:45. We then scrambled up the north slope of Red and White Mountain, which affords access to its Northeast Ridge. At 12:21, we were atop the white sub-peak located about 0.45 miles due North of the main summit. From there, we descended slightly to join the ridge, and followed it to the summit. This consists of pretty solid red scree and talus, to a steeper section of crumbly black rock just below the summit (class 3). We were on top at 13:30, signed the brand new register and enjoyed the outstanding views in all directions. We had lunch on the summit, and then retraced our steps down the way we came. We took a nice break at Little McGee Lake at 16:00 and then hiked down back to the trailhead, enjoying the wildflowers along the way and reaching the car at 19:26. (A 12:11 hour day, 18.3 miles, 5,100 feet of elevation gain).
