Mount Morgan

Ascent of Mount Morgan (South) (Northwest Ridge from Francis Lake, class 1), August 24, 2018.

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August 24, 2018. I left home in Mammoth at 7:00 and drove to Rock Creek Lake. I set out on the Tamarack Lakes trail at 7:55, making good time to Francis Lake (9:00). I climbed up the ridge southwest of the lake and, once on the crest, proceeded up the gentle slope to a shallow saddle on the main North ridge of Mount Morgan, just south of Peak 12,352. From there the ridge steepens in places. I found the terrain to be particularly user-friendly (an enjoyable hike no harder than class 1+). I was on the summit of Mount Morgan at 11:22, and took in outstanding views in all directions (the pictures advantageously replace any words). I tried to find shelter from the strong wind and had lunch (prosciutto and brie sandwich). I departed the summit at 11:58 and made good time on the descent, reaching Francis Lake at 13:29. I was back at my car at 14:22. Overall, this was an enjoyable day over easy terrain, climbing a big peak, and taking in outstanding views. Plus, I beat Bob Burd's time on the same route by almost 1.5 hours! (A 6:27 hour day, 4,050 feet of elevation gain, 10.6 miles roundtrip).
