Mount Rixford

Ascent of Mount Rixford (West Ridge, class 3), June 3, 2018.

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June 3, 2018. This climb was part of my 10-day section hike of the John Muir Trail, with Philippe Errera, from Onion Valley to Mammoth Lakes. On June 3 we left camp at Charlotte Lake at 10:10, reaching the top of Glen Pass at 12:30. I departed to climb the west ridge of Mount Rixford at 13:00, after a quick lunch. I reached the summit at 14:30. Staying close to the crest of the ridge, on its southern side, I encountered no class 3 terrain and managed to keep everything at class 2. Some of this climb is tedious but better rock is found close to the crest of the West Ridge. I spent a few minutes on the summit and then started my descent, reaching Glen Pass at 15:46. I then proceeded to Rae Lakes, toward Woods Creek, finding a camp after fording a stream at 20:00. The next morning I rejoined Philippe at his camp, some distance up the trail. (a 9:50 hour day).
