Sawtooth Peak

Ascent of Sawtooth Peak (Southwest Ridge, class 2), with Simon Wacziarg, April 8, 2018.

Photo Album


April 8, 2018. Simon and I drove from Mammoth Lakes to Nine Mile Canyon and then to the Chimney Peak campground. We set out on the Pacific Crest Trail at 10:34 and reached the saddle at the head of Sand Canyon at noon. We proceeded up the steep slopes of the Southwest Ridge of Sawtooth Peak and stopped for a nice long lunch around 12:30. We then continued on to the summit, reaching it at 14:22. Simon got there first and was greeted by a large lizard. We took a long break on the summit, read and signed the register (going back to 1966) and took numerous pictures. To the north we could see the Great Western Divide, the Kaweah range, Mount Whitney, Mount Langley, Olancha Peak and the entire span of Kennedy Meadows. To the southwest we had a great view of Lamont Peak and the Canebrake Road area. We left the summit at 15:14 and were back at the car at 17:24. (A 6:50 hour day).
