Vogelsang Peak

Ascent of Vogelsang Peak (East Face, class 2), September 24, 2017.

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September 24, 2017. I left Mammoth shortly after 6:00 and was greeted to the sunrise on the High Sierra. Ellery Lake was particularly spectacular with rising mist in the morning light, a great start to what would become a great day. I reached the trailhead near the Tuolumne Meadows Ranger Station at 7:00, and was on the trail at 7:09. I made good time on the very gentle trail to Vogelsang High Sierra Camp. The hike consists first of a portion of the John Muir Trail (flat for 1.5 miles) and then a gentle ascent up the Rafferty Creek drainage. The elevation gain is about 1,400 feet in about 7 miles to the HSC, and then another 1,400 feet in about 2 miles to the summit of Vogelsang Peak. It had snowed a few days prior, and the conditions were cold and icy.

I reached the Vogelsang HSC at 9:53 and continued up to Vogelsang Lake, getting there at 10:12. Looking up at my route, it looked in the worst possible shape for climbing: a 3-5 inch dusting of powder on steep granite slabs. I gave it a try anyway, and managed to find good purchase despite the conditions. The going was slow, but with caution I exited the steeper part and emerged on the flatter summit ridge. There, a few more steps took me to the summit blocks. I reached the summit of Vogelsang Peak at 11:58, took many pictures and had lunch (prosciutto and brie sandwich – my specialty). I did not find a summit register. I dug around a bit in the snow but did not try very hard – perhaps it was buried.

I departed the summit at 12:34 and briefly contemplated an alternative descent. One option was the Left-side Gully, which begins in a drainage near Vogelsang Pass. I could not see how steep the gully was, so I quickly dismissed this option. Another option was to descend to the west, toward Emeric Lake. This had less snow, but the steepness was also unknown. In the end I opted to retrace my steps, which I did not regret because I found an easier way down on the return. I was back at the lake at 13:38, and back at Vogelsang HSC at 14:07. From there began the interminable descent to Tuolumne Meadows. Conditions had been icy in the morning, but they were now downright wet. Despite the puddles, I motored through, reaching my car at 16:36. (A 9:27 hour day).

I wanted to check the approach for Mount Warren so I drove to the Log Cabin Wilderness Camp near Lee Vining Peak. I took the dirt road that goes through a private nature preserve, which was in excellent condition. After that it was fish tacos at the Whoa Nellie Deli and a quick drive home.
