Mount Tallac

Two ascents of Mount Tallac (via Cathedral Lake Trail), Lake Tahoe Area, alone on September 17, 2007 and with René Renteria on September 20, 2007

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September 17, 2007. I left the Stanford Sierra Camp around 14:00 and was on the summit at 16:00. Weather and views were gorgeous.

September 20, 2007. A dusting of snow had fallen on the area the night before. The atmosphere was very different from three days prior, and it felt like incipient winter. René and I left the Stanford Sierra Camp around 10:30 and reached the summit of Mount Tallac at 13:00, meeting a friendly hiker on the way. We returned via the Glen Alpine Trail, stopping at Gilmore Lake for a break. A memorable moment was when René was caught by a ranger peeing in the lake:  definitely the highpoint of our Sierra climbing days… As we descended the weather gradually improved and it was summer again when we reached the Stanford Sierra Camp, around 16:00.
