Mount Humphreys

Ascent of the East Arête of Mount Humphreys (II, 5.4), with René Renteria, June 15-17, 2007

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June 15, 2007. After a day of sport climbing at Clark Canyon's Area 13, dinner at Angel's and a comfortable night in Mammoth Lakes, we set out for the one hour drive across Buttermilk Country at mid-morning on June 15. We were able to drive uneventfully all the way to the end of the road. The short hike to camp lasted 2 hours from the trailhead at 9,400 ft, and we reached our camp at Lake 10,960 around 14:30. We hiked out to the cirque at the base of the Checkered Demon to check out the gully and arête we would climb the next day.

June 16, 2007. The timing of the climb was as follows: We departed camp at 5:30, reached head of SE gully at 8:30, reached the summit of Mount Humphreys at 13:45, started the descent around 14:20 and reached camp at 19:30.

June 17, 2007. We left camp around 8:30, reached the car at 9:30 and were back in Bishop around 10:45.
