Mount Brewer

Ascent of the East Ridge of Mount Brewer (Class 2), Kings Canyon National Park, CA, June 20-22, 2007

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June 20, 2007. Approach to East Lake: I departed the Onion Valley trailhead at 9:30, having given a ride to some PCT hikers up to the trailhead from Independence. I reached Kearsarge Pass at 11:25, and proceeded on to East Lake, arriving at 15:30. There were no issues crossing Bubbs Creek, which I did bare feet with the help of sticks. I looked for a camp above East Lake, hoping to avoid mosquitos, but they ended up being worse higher up. I found a suitable camp above East Lake around 16:30.

June 20, 2007. Climbing Mount Brewer: On ascent day I departed camp at 6:25 and, making better time than I had expected, reached the summit at 9:40. There were no difficulties, though some of the snow on the north side of the ridge forced me to stay right on the crest, where the occasional third class move was encountered. I followed the excellent route laid out by Bob Burd. I departed the summit at 10:30 after leaving a note in memory of my friend and colleague John McMillan, who passed away in 2007. I reached camp at 12:45 and moved it to East Lake to get away from the mosquitos (better success this time - almost no mosquitos at East Lake). With a lot of day left, I took a bath in the creek, had lunch and hiked to Lake Reflection in the afternoon. This lake is known to be one of the most beautiful lakes in the High Sierra, and I was not disappointed.

June 22, 2007. Hiking Back: On the last day of my trip I departed East Lake at 7:49, reached Junction Meadow at 8:49 (another uneventful crossing of Bubbs Creek), took a lunch break at Bullfrog Lake at 11:30, and reached Kearsarge Pass at 13:15. There I met a very nice person from Malibu, called Richard Whitney - he was a long time Sierra hiker/climber and was just starting a 9 day solo trip. I departed the pass at 13:50 and reached my car at 15:15. By 22:00, I was back in Santa Barbara.
